Monday, September 09, 2013

Dream house.

If you're wondering what to get your favorite supervillain for Christmas because they were all out of secret volcano lairs at Supervillains 'Я Us, you could always go shopping for secret lairs in Vegas, like this bumpin' underground survival crib.


  1. I remember seeing that house on TV a couple years ago.

    WV: 259 ernstryi. I think there was a Starfleet battle against the Borg there.

    Actually that was my second captcha. The first one had one of the images just pink dots.

  2. Spervillians had much more flair back in the 70s.

  3. This gives off more than a slight whiff of "Blast From The Past." I wonder if the writers or producers of that film knew of this house?

  4. Wasn't that house on an episode of CSI?


  5. Hell if you got the kind of money needed to purchase the place you could afford to cover the ceiling with flatscreens with corresponding
    cameras outside pointing at the skies, that would be kinda trippy.
    The place definitely just went on my list of things to buy if I was to hit a big honkin' lottery.

  6. If I had the moola, I'd sure take it!!

  7. Hand to God - I have seen that bathroom in a nightmare of mine. I thought that tub and those columns were just figments of my imagination.

  8. If I had the moola, I'd buy it!

  9. Why do my comments keep going away?
    They're not nasty. All I said was:
    "If I had the moola, I'd buy it!"
    The comment shows as posted... then it goes away. Why?

  10. Why don't my comments post? Tam, I love your blog, All I wanted to say is: "If I had the moola, I'd buy it!"

  11. I can see each post Paul, so I think your browser is burping up on you.


  12. Hey Sklutch, Thanks for the heads up! Tam, luv ya!

  13. That house or it's exact twin was on an episode of CSI... Las Vegas I think.

    Impressively crazy.

  14. You can buy anything but taste, I suppose.

  15. Okay, that's actually kinda cool. If it wasn't in Vegas, though.

  16. Is anybody else reminded of that otherwise-forgettable movie of "A Boy and His Dog"?

  17. And the above ground portion is so stealthy.

    Hey! The apocalyptic mobs won't notice the air conditioning units, or the turbine at all.

    Also a good thing the Hoover Dam will still be supplying power after the big oops.

    Had to have been a giant gimmick to get chicks and have cool parties.

  18. Woodman... Using that property as a place to have cool parties (and, I suppose, "get chicks") is EXACTLY the what came to mind when I read that article. Now if only I could come up with, what? $1.7 Million to buy it and another big huge pile of money to re-do most of the obnoxious decor (replacing it, of course, with obnoxious decor more to my liking).


    PS. Paul just wants to say that if he had the moola he would buy it.

  19. Could the designers of the Venetian have taken a cue for their own outdoor-themed indoors, or is it just in the Vegas DNA to transform air-conditioned interior spaces into vaulted sky-scapes and canals with gondolas?
    However I would NOT call that pink kitchen a bit of 70's decor - even in 1978 there was a much higher standard of domestic fashion available, including racks around the cooktop from which to hang pots and pans. Unless it's a regional thing...

  20. Woodman:

    forget Hoover Dam.

    They will be shutting down the turbines in a couple years, due to the falling water level in the lake.
    Las Vegas has been taking too much water.
    Now they are going to lose about 1/3 of their electrical power, unless the regional power grid can take up the slack.

  21. Will --

    If only there was a reliable, 24/7 power source, that didn't rely on valuable water in the desert, didn;t rely on trainloads of coal or pipeline of petroleum, that emits no pollution in normal operations, and whose waste product is a matter of a truckload for about every year it is in operation. . . ?

    Naw, such an idea would be so revolutionary, so perfect, it might even be called a "nuclear" option. . . {/snark}


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