Friday, October 04, 2013

Everybody else is doing it...

Since coming up with theories as to why the lady went all Bullitt in her Infiniti in the nation's capital yesterday seems to be the trending thing, I'll throw my theory into the ring:

She probably went to and when, after all the 404 errors from the world's first government-and-media coordinated DDOS attack, the page finally loaded, found out she was still expected to, you know, buy insurance.

I always get a little bent when people promise me free stuff and then tell me "Just kidding! You have to pay for it!", too, so I can understand the reaction.

EDIT: The Today show in the next room is saying that she may have believed the president was stalking her. If everybody who believed the president was stalking them reacted like that, the South Lawn of the White House would look like Dead End Drive-In.


  1. They should please explain how O isn't stalking us all at this point.

  2. Exactly - the NSA is reading these comments right now.

  3. Sounding more like a lost woman who panicked.

  4. Paul,

    "Sounding more like a lost woman who panicked."

    No it doesn't.

  5. Sounding more like a schizophrenic who finally boiled over completely into Delusionland.

    Schizophrenics start having hallucinations when their brains start to mature, from late teens to mid twenties.

    It can take a bit longer for the delusions their conscious mind makes up to explain away the hallucinations to get all the way to "What's the frequency, Kenneth?".

  6. Kristophr,

    "Schizophrenics start having hallucinations when their brains start to mature, from late teens to mid twenties."

    Watched it happen to a friend of mine I knew all through middle and high-school. It wasn't pretty.

  7. "Sounding more like a schizophrenic who finally boiled over completely into Delusionland."

    OMG They shot Maxine Waters?


  8. It was postpartum depression causing the erratic behavior, according to the woman's mother.

    However, medications for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were seized during a search of the woman's Stamford, Connecticut home.

  9. She was pissed because she voted for him "cuz he black". She didn't find out until yesterday she would be forced to spend 18% of her income on healthcare she thought would be free.

  10. I watched it happen to me. My family has a history of schizophrenia.

    It took a half decade for me to stop being delusional and just accept the fact that my subconscious can inflict auditory hallucinations on me.

    Once I did that, my subconscious stopped being a dick, and started being helpful ... it couldn't hide behind delusional crap anymore.


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