Friday, October 04, 2013

Going for the easy layup again...


  1. I dunno, Tam. If postpartum depression caused this it supports his "punished with a baby" meme.

  2. Reports are still mixed, but it sounds like the wacky goes back a ways.

  3. And of course we'll never know but I wonder if that means she was on some sort of brain chemistry altering drug like 90% of the mass shooters for the past 20 or so years have been.

    I know she wasn't a shooter but she still exhibited Reaver-like behavior and I'm with Karl the Tickerguy that we need an intense discussion and dialog about these drugs making some percentage of their users into Reavers.

    I'm also with David Codrea in that we don't need to let that discussion come to mean seeking treatment for mean one's RKBA is automatically void either.

  4. Insert "mental health" after "for" in the last paragraph. Derp.

  5. Oh, ok. Sorry, the "32nd of Octember" bit threw me and I thought that meant the "Mariam Carey" thing was also an intentional misspelling and wondered what A.) Obama had said wrong to generate this particular snark, and B.) Mariah Carey had done or said to be included in it.

    It makes much more sense now.

  6. Yeah perl, I had a brief moment of cognitive dissonance when I first saw the driver's name.

    Mariah Carey? You're shittin' me!


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