Thursday, October 24, 2013

I LOL'ed and LOL'ed...

Jon Stewart takes down the Obamacare rollout...


  1. The ironic part is - things will get worse when the website does work properly and people realize how truly screwed they are.

  2. In breaking news: TV host Jon Stewart was reportedly abducted from a NY City sidewalk today when several large bald men in black suits and wrap around shades roughly shoved him into a large SUV which sped away.

  3. Please, no autoplay.

    Thank you.

  4. I don't regularly watch TDS, but that was funny. I especially liked the bit about the calculator not working.

    "the website has got 99 problems and a glitch is all of them" ROFL

  5. Tam, it autoplayed for me too.

  6. The MSM is throwing 'glitch' around on this story the way they threw 'botched' around on Fast and Furious.

    Maybe there *is* something to the tin-foil-hatters claiming it's *designed* to fail so they can 'fix' things by going for a fully nationalized 'single payer' system.

  7. Mikael,

    It has the autoplay tag set to "false" and doesn't autoplay on either my computer or Bobbi's. I don't know what more to do?

  8. Funny as hell.
    Almost puked a little coffee into my mouth when UpChucky showed his scowling mug but other than that...
    :) :)

    WV: paymmil 316
    Rough estimate on your deductible.

  9. It autoplayed for me as well, but whatever--that's why they have pause buttons. I know nothing about computers and internets and such, but I would guess that's my browser settings, not Tam's.

  10. Since it's autoplaying in some browsers apparently, I'll probably replace it with a link in the morning...

  11. I'm going to stop calling it Obamacare. From now on, it's "Snowball's Windmill."


  12. JohninMd.(too late?!??)12:06 PM, October 24, 2013

    Ve haf vays of dealing mit people like ....YOU. Show me your ACA papers! Schnell! My local radio guy calls it "Obamascare", from the effort to stampede folks into signing up.

  13. Autoplay here as well, on Chrome.

  14. The thing that really makes me lose what little faith I have left in the clothes-wearing monkey race that we are, is, if you ask ten of them, "what, in your opinion, does government do best?" Nine would promptly say "screwing things up." What did people actually think was going to happen here?

    Yeah, let's put them in charge of our medical needs. Great idea.



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