Thursday, October 24, 2013

Test Pattern...

In lieu of content (which is forthcoming, but is taking more keystrokes than I thought), have a gun picture...


  1. What is that marvin-the-martian-raygun-cone-muzzle looking thing at the end of the handguard on the bottom rifle? Is it mounted to the side rail, or does it go all the way around the barrel?

  2. Now why haven't I thought of are so darn bright.

  3. Streamlight TLR-1s HP


    The internet loves gun pictures almost as much as cat pictures. :)

  4. Can I play? One of my favorite gun pics I've taken over the years:

  5. *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*

    "This concludes our test of the Emergency Gunblog System. Had this been an actual Gunblog, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by Content.

    WTAM serves the entire Wookiieesphere, broadcasting out of Broad Ripple as part of the Gun Blog Black List Network. WTAM would like to thank you for your patience with our test of the Emergency Gunblog System."

  6. What's this artificial distinction between gun pictures and "content?"

  7. Not thrilled by the mount setup on the lower optic. Looks like too much mass cantilevered away from too little base. Seems like the minimal clamping area on the optic was an afterthought on the designers' part. Might have been better to just design in a mounting lug of some sort, closer to the center of mass, instead.

  8. Will,

    That's a LaRue LT150 base. It is likely considerably stronger than both the optic it holds and the rifle to which it's clamped.

  9. OK, good, a Streamlight TLR-1s HP.

    At first I thought it was a toilet plunger.

    Now I see that it is a powerful light so that when you run out of ammo you can switch on the light and just melt the bad guy. After blinding him/her/it.

  10. Why fiddle around with a mere light, tailwind? I want a frickin' laser beam on mine.

    Oh, wait, I have one...

  11. I convulsed slightly when taking in this pic. My mind didn't know how to process it.
    Does the gun on the bottom take indoor or outdoor flood lights?

  12. It is likely considerably stronger than both

    Holy schnikes! For $162 it better be.
    I don't skimp on gear (just ask my credit card) but I'm not getting deployed on Uncle Sugar's dime Aunt Sheriff's nickle either.


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