Monday, November 18, 2013

No feet sticking out from under the house... I guess we're okay.

Looks like the worst of it passed to our north, although a 79mph wind gust was recorded downtown and a 110-year-old post office in the gentrifying Irvington neighborhood that was being renovated had to be demolished instead, lest its tired walls topple into the middle of Washington Street.

Here in Broad Ripple we never even lost power, although the carefully-raked yard is now covered in leaves again. At one point last night, I glanced out the kitchen window to note that the back yard, which forms a bowl bounded by fences as well as the house and garage, was full of a turbulent airborne leaf eddy that made it look like one of those booths where the money's blowing around and the contestant can keep all they can grab. Except, you know, with leaves rather than dollar bills.

The local TV station is calling it "Fall's Fury". No theme music yet, however.


  1. Hi! and Welcome to Moore OK! Sorry, just had to, and glad to hear you're OK.

  2. Ride of the valkeries.

    I remember building a house in the fall with my uncle one time and he remarked on how the wind never stopped. I might blow softly or hard, but never stopped.

  3. Dang, what would it have taken to get Nancy to make her distorted faces from a cornfield in Illinois or Indiana yesterday?

  4. Apparently some of the reporters live in Lebanon, IN which was hit and their favorite Starbucks was destroyed because that's what they kept showing and rallying around last night instead of the houses that were damaged just across the street. I guess that was too close to home for their comfort. I swear I heard the one dude's voice crack when he talked about stopping there to get coffee on the way to work. So tragic.

  5. I sure hope the owner of the car that got tossed into the Starbucks didn't leave his carry weapon in the glove compartment before entering the establishment.
    That would have been a tragedy for Mother Nature to disregard the CEO's "polite request."

  6. Storm Team Scare Team never disappoints. Themselves.

  7. Good to hear all is well at your house. Wild wind is scary.

  8. They should have names like Microstorm Flapdoodle, Cloudburst Frankenberry, and so on. Momentary Breeze Awesomepoodle. Spring Shower Bellowing Hekatomb.

  9. Can we get an Internet for Mr. Pisco?

  10. Joseph, the Starbucks coverage puts me in mind of the Indian Ocean tsunami in '04. Despite Banda Aceh in Sumatera suffering the worst damage, what we kept seeing on TV was footage of Phuket, Thailand (which admittedly did get hit badly). The reason? Tourism. Lots of international journos partying in Phuket. Their hotel lobbies got flooded.

  11. For once in a very rare occurrence, Fuzzy, they didn't overblow this one. I have family and friends in Illinois and Indiana that were directly affected. I spent my Sunday afternoon with chainsaw in hand. My son's school was destroyed, my employer's roof ripped off, and I'm still without power.

  12. From the land of fruits, nuts, flakes, and shakey ground, glad to hear you're ok. Earthquakes don't scare me as much as tornadoes, even though I have emergency kits in home, car and office, and can't stack anything without thinking of an earthquake.

  13. @Drang if you mean to suggest a certain lack of awareness of current events on my part, you got me dead to rights. Ulp. Had no clue. I'll just slink shamefully away now...

  14. I think that was the 2nd worst storm that I've seen blow through here.


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