Thursday, November 21, 2013

Shilling for my corporate masters...

Well, I don't know that a freelance side gig really qualifies for the whole "corporate master" thing, but anyway, S.W.A.T. Magazine has a swag giveaway thing running.

Sign up if you want a chance to win free stuff. (...and it'd be cool if I spun the hell outta their site meter, know what I mean? ;) )


  1. Saw one of those training DvDs staring Sonny Puzikas at the range last weekend. It was in the bargain bin. Those other ones look useful though.

  2. "Saw one of those training DvDs staring Sonny Puzikas at the range last weekend. It was in the bargain bin. Those other ones look useful though."


    Needs new .jpg. :D

  3. (For those not getting the Puzikas thing: Linky.)

  4. I'm the "in" crowd. Whenever there's a contest where there's a "1 in 12,000,000" chances to win, I'm not the one, I'm the "In 12,000,000". So I just increased the chances someone ELSE would win. But if you don't play you can't win.

  5. i never win anything, but i'll enter for the solidarity thing.

  6. Hmmm....mixed feelings. I like the free ice cream here and helping you make money elsewhere keeps it flowing.

    SWAT was a common read for me back when I used to read gun rags regularly.

    But the overuse of SWAT has become a real problem in American law enforcement so I'm getting a bit squeamish about a magazine devoted to "the culture".

  7. Scott J,

    "But the overuse of SWAT has become a real problem in American law enforcement so I'm getting a bit squeamish about a magazine devoted to "the culture"."

    Devoted to what "culture"?

    The magazine's title is "Survival, Weapons, and Tactics." Claire Wolfe is a regular columnist, fer Mel Tappan's sake.

    S.W.A.T. started out as a prepper mag in the eighties, and I believe you will find out that it has quite convincingly returned to its roots.

  8. Done.

    Special Weapons and Tactics is a little over board.

    Survival, Weapons and Tactics I can get behind. that is what keeps the militia in the 2nd amendment.

    Might have to grab a copy next time I am with the wife at Fareway.

  9. (Here's a link to something of an explanation, Scott. :) )

  10. I must be getting senile, Tam. I could swear I recall "for law enforcement" being part of the subtitle at some point in the 90's.

    In other words a "this stuff is not for mere civvies" attitude that I was more blind to back then.

    I'll have to dig through some boxes at the house. I might have simply fabricated the memory and will be quite happy to be wrong.

  11. Scott J,

    I have no idea what it was like in the '90s. Rich bought it in '01 or '02, and ever since that date, Page 5 has contained a disclaimer that reads:

    "Certain products represented in this magazine may be subject to prohibitions, restrictions, or special licensing for sale, possession, or interstate transport. If this annoys you, Get the Bill of Rights...all of them! In the meantime, check with local and federal authorities regarding legality of purchase, possession, and transport."

    (The bolding is in the original.)

  12. Tam, I realized on the way out to burn 60 rounds of deuce deuce for "lunch" that I'd mixed SWAT Mag up with this one.

    Mea culpa.

  13. Critter said...
    i never win anything, but i'll enter for the solidarity thing.

    I know what you mean. But since it only takes a minute, why not. I guess my luck could change.

  14. I dunno... do they have any Rick Taylor videos?

  15. I've already won a big one (Well? Somebody had to get lucky.) 30+ years ago, so I'm in to help somebody else be "the one".


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