Thursday, November 21, 2013

That would be singularly pointless...

A special snowflake whose child psychologists obviously subscribed to the Mental Illness of the Month Club is apparently suing a college for making her take two math courses?

The college's well-meaning counteroffer included offering "to substitute the second of the two required math classes with a course on logic" which would be the very definition of an isometric exercise, in that trying to teach this person logic would be exhausting and go nowhere.

Logic would bounce off her invincible shield of entitlement like BBs off a battleship.

Jesus, kid, there's a simple checklist of requirements here to get the diploma. I realize that up until now, the world has done you dirt by allowing you to show a doctor's note to get out of Reality, but you've reached a point in your life's journey where you aren't going to get the dolly by throwing yourself on the floor of the toy aisle and screaming "IwantIwantIwant!" and bursting into tears. Even if you have a lawyer down there doing it with you.


  1. Got to admit, it takes real skill to make yourself hated by everyone.

  2. (I think I commented on the wrong post. If so, that was meant for the Captain Aspie post, below.)

  3. No, really, these kinds of accommodations are becoming A Thing on college campuses.

    Not everybody has to go to college. And I wish universities would collectively man up and tell certain students, "You know, we really don't want your money" (or Pell Grants, or loans, whatever).

    I really wonder how some of the folks I see will make it in the working world.

  4. My niece who had to take finite math three times to pass would totally kick this girl's ass for being such a douche. Sack up and get through it you dolt!

  5. My brothers oldest has a PhD. in English, with a masters in creative writing. He works as a cook, in the "collage town tourist trap" . He is making more than minimum wage, just not by much---Ray

  6. A diploma is a bit like a contract: the school will issue you one as a promise that they've evaluated that you can accomplish a core set of tasks. If you cannot accomplish those tasks, the school's reputation requires that they don't SAY that you can. Not that complex...

  7. actually, i seems to me that the offer of a logic course to this person who so desperately needs such education, is the very definition of slyly slipping in the dagger of irony. maybe someone at the admissions office has a sense of humor.

  8. I'm bettin she gets her dolly. Takers?

  9. So if Snowflake wanted to be a graphic artist, why did you go to a college?

    You could have learn the trade at a number of different schools without the mandatory academic classes.

    Here's your F, wear it with pride.


  10. Normally, I don't let things like this get the better of me, but jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick. SUCK IT UP, princess! To get into graduate school I took Pre-Cal twice and had to repeat Calc 2 THREE times, until I passed it! Get it done or drop out, frickin' loser.

    I hope Rocky Mountain wins their legal case. For the sake of all of us who will have more students like this in the future. I've already had a few special snowflakes, they end up crushed quickly.

    Which reminds me, I have a couple of more to go crush now.


  11. Okay. So now being shitty at math is a pathology?

    If you look at her list of ailments every one of them, while real ailments suffered by the folks that have them, are also popular ailments for people to claim that they have as an excuse for being a shitty person.

    Just sayin

  12. Absolutely agree with this. ^^^

  13. We have entered a phase where everything that people do is a disease. This means that literally nothing that anyone does is their own fault.
    This is why there are so many people who are on disability for back aches, or receiving addictive pain meds for fibromyalgia (because they are mysteriously allergic to all of the non-narcotic drugs for treating that disease.).

  14. The college is here in town and I held them in fairly high opinion until I read all the accommodations they want to make for this gal. Jeez Louise it's college not Head Start!

    Just once I'd like to see this town make the news for something that isn't embarrassing.

  15. ....and those of use who suffered through Algebra 1, 2, 3, Calculus, 1, 2, 3?,plus entire chapters on boolean logic, and various sorts of other mathemagical crap, transform math, partial differential equations, fully differential equations...

    Oh god, I'm still having wicked flashbacks and cold sweats from the latter 2...

    Ok, better now.

    And I wasn't even a math major.

    And don't get me started on metallurgical thermodynamics ( not steam thermo, steam was week 2)

    Or for that matter advanced statistical design of experiments. Stats, I really hated, so they made me take 4 progressively more esoteric classes of it.

    This chick needs to be told to go fly a kite in a lightning storm.

  16. Math is an outdated construct of the white patriarchy.

    No, seriously. By insisting upon one and only one "correct" answer regardless of one's gender, color, sexual orientation, feelings, aspirations or past history it automatically privileges a certain veiwpoint. I'm surprised (oh yeah, and offended!!!!) that it's still permitted on college campuses.

  17. What Goober said is the absolute God's honest unvarnished, undiluted truth with the gloves off. I would say he wins the internets for today, but that brings levity to a subject that is as deadly as real life to the unprepared.

    Divemedic, double-blind ought to clear up mystery allergies.

  18. "We have entered a phase where everything that people do is a disease"

    Rather than gripe about it maybe we should just play the game.

    Invent some "disease" for which the cure is for the government to keep us supplied with ammo :)

  19. I'm going to sue the community college I attended for not giving me a degree just because I dropped out after 3 semesters to enlist in the Marines. I'm pretty sure going infantry proves something wasn't right in my head...

  20. Paging Zombie Feynman...

  21. If her lawyer has the good sense to point out her membership in several identifiable designated victim groups and the disparate impact math has on them, this lawsuit is totally winnable.

  22. John when I was in Army Basic we kept hearing Infantry referred to as the Queen of Battle.

    Later on I found out why.

  23. Isn't Dyscalculia the proper name of 'The Count' from Sesame Street?

    1. My vote for the internets award today goes to you, sir!

  24.'ve reached a point in your life's journey where you aren't going to get the dolly by throwing yourself on the floor of the toy aisle and screaming "IwantIwantIwant!" and bursting into tears. Even if you have a lawyer down there doing it with you.

    Wanna bet?

  25. "We have entered a phase where everything that people do is a disease. This means that literally nothing that anyone does is their own fault."

    This is a problem in how we look at diseases, too.

    Even if it's a disease and it's not your fault, it's still your responsibility. You didn't choose to be dyslexic or diabetic or whatever, but you have to figure out how to deal with it. Not make the whole world turn upside down to accommodate you.

    Carmel IN

  26. Alath, you're new to this country, aren't you?

  27. I am good friends with a number of professors at RMC, and while I am not privy to this particular suit against the college, I can pretty much guarantee that she was told from the beginning that getting out of the classes wasn't going to fly and was offered help long before now.

    I'm guessing she didn't believe them. Hat's off to RMC for standing by their policy thus far.

  28. "mental illness of the month club"

  29. Why does the lawyer opining that math is irrelevant to a graphic arts career NOT improve my opinion of the legal profession?

    Has he not heard of The Golden Mean? Scale and proportion? The mathematical basis of perspective drawing? Oh, I don't know, geometry?

    Whoever said that the guys who sign the paychecks don't need snowflakes hit the nail on the head. Whether this woman graduates is NOT the gonna be the biggest factor in whether or not she can pay back her loans, because I don't think she's going to be *employable*.

  30. My frickin' degree has already been watered down so much, I feel like I paid a king's ransom for a coupon for a free coffee, and they're all out of coffee.

    This is further degradation of the diluted academic standards. Everyone's afraid of the ADA. Can't read? They'll read it for you.

    Go to the national parks, and there are wheelchair accessible paths going further and further into the woods.

    Soon we'll be suing to get to be in NBA without discrimination against being height and weight challenged.

    Remember when it was considered a remarkable success to have earned a degree, got a decent job, and bought a house? Now, it's only your due. Because everyone's special. Which is the same thing as saying no one is.

  31. I suspect that math is actually pretty useful in graphics arts. It's a lot better to calculate what will fit where and draw once than to keep churning out drawings until things fit by trial and error.

    Aside from that, the successful graphics artists I know are freelancers. First you've got to sell yourself. Then you've got to estimate your time and costs to complete a project, and quote a price that will make you a living. So I'm of the opinion that someone who truly has Aspergers and dyscalculia going into graphics art is rather like the smallest kid in the class going out for football. Sorry snowflake, there are some things you just aren't going to be able to do.


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