Sunday, December 15, 2013

Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed...

Aspirin? Check.
Multivitamin? Check.
Caffeine? Check.
1-inch Lexan shield in front of TV screen? Check.

Okay, got all systems more-or-less spun up to standard operating pressure and temperature and safety devices in place. Almost time to go and watch Meet the Press and check my cerebral arteries for thin spots.


  1. I just want to tell you, "Good Luck, we're all counting on you."

  2. I just watched 'Strategic Air Command' and don't recall that as being the checklist Jimmy Stewart's crew used when firing up the old B-36...hmmm...or was it?

  3. "Ya think she'll make it?"

    "It'll take a miracle"

  4. Please stop! Take up cutting or smack or anorexia.

    Meet the Press viewing is just too hard on your soul. Get help now.


  5. Way to take one for the team!

  6. I have to record the last two minutes of CBS Sunday Morning. You know, the part where they show ducks swimming on a lake or prairie grass blowing in the wind? Stuff like that.

    I use that to chill out after yelling at Bob Schieffer and Stephie to grow a pair.

  7. You should avoid caffeine products prior to any cardiac stress test, as it alters the results.

  8. it is hard to stomach the lies and crap these crooks put out there!! So I don't even bother listening to them because it makes my blood pressure go sky high!

  9. Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.

  10. Once, again, thank you for watching MTP so I don't have to.

  11. Ancient Woodsman, didja take a good look at the flight engineer?

    (Henry Morgan)

  12. I quit watching that stuff on Sunday mornings after I was diagnosed with hypertension, they just don't make Lisinopril in a large enough dose to relieve what those programs do to my blood pressure.

    BTW, is Phase the Nation still on the air?

  13. >You should avoid caffeine products prior to any cardiac stress test, as it alters the results.

    It's indeed a good idea to check with the doctor what's permissible before a stress test: food, fluids, medications (especially beta blockers which can keep you from achieving the target heart rate if you are doing a treadmill test), but the caffeine thing applies most to adenosine stress testing. Adenosine is a vasodilator (actually naturally occuring, but the half-life is rilly rilly short, so for stress-testing purposes exogenous adenosine is used) that is reversed using a drug with chemical similarities to caffeine. Thus too much caffeine before can screw up an adenosine stress test.

    Caffeine before a treadmill stress test or a dobutamine (chemical) stress test is less of a problem. I could go on for a long time about the benefits and weaknesses of each kind of stress testing, and how adenosine works via "steal" while dobutamine works via "demand" but I'm quite sure this is already TMI.

    @Dean: I think I've tagged you with our hostess' Indian name....

  14. "and check my cerebral arteries for thin spots"

    Gold. Just frikkin' gold.

    I'm just sayin'....



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