Saturday, December 14, 2013

Overheard in the Hall...

RX: "That would make a good tweet. 'Decline of the Republic: Twelve Tables, three shells... whatever.'"

Me: "I don't..."

RX: "Twelve Tables, three shells..."

Me: "Twelve...? Oh! I get it!"

RX: "I guess for it to make sense, you do have to know Roman history..."

Me: "...and Sylvester Stallone movies."

RX: "Doesn't everybody?"
It gets pretty nerdy around here at times.


  1. They see you rolling
    On your segway.

  2. I need to admit this as part of my own personal spiritual ego growth journey: I Don't get it.

  3. I think if you websearch each one separately, you will - it's a multi-layered tapestry of meaning and snark.

  4. It's a roundabout reference to using the Constitution for toilet paper.

  5. I just swear quietly at the wall for a minute and come away with what I need, but politicians are a different sort.

  6. Reading that conversation has my brain suddenly seeing Zero Mostel singing the Oscar Mayer Weiner song before he dances his way to meet Denis Leary at the forum to enjoy some Taco Bell. two do make for some interesting mental detours.

  7. Was "Tarquinius Superbus" one of those Fred Silverman-NBC shows from the '80s?

  8. See, if you'd said "Twelve Tablets" I'd've gotten it immediately.

  9. One of my contingency plans is that if I ever come face to face with Sylvester Stallone, I shall ask him if he ever learned how to operate the 3 seashells.


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