Monday, January 20, 2014


Despite the less-than-stellar weather, a small crew made it to the Brewpub for food and a bit of raconteuring...
Experienced spacehand Roberta X remains oriented to apparent gravity. Also seen: Kerry, Fuzzy Curmudgeon, Old Grouch, Scout26. Not seen (because he hadn't yet got there, not because he was invisible) The Jack.
I had a pub pizza and a pint of their Red Bird Mild. I seem to be getting out of the wheat loop I've been stuck in since sometime last summer and making the seasonal shift into winter brews; the Red Bird was appropriately malty and quite tasty, but a little thin for the weather. When there's snow on the ground, I like beers you could eat with a fork.


  1. Whoa! George R.R. Martin showed up! That's kick @$$!

  2. James Sullivan said...
    > Whoa! George R.R. Martin showed up! That's kick @$$!


    I came here to leave that EXACT SAME COMMENT.


  3. DAMNIT!

    I came here to leave that EXACT SAME COMMENT.


  4. Maybe someday I'll Make it to one of those. Looks like fun to me.

    And a chance to meet Mr. Martin! One of my favorite Authors....

  5. Hope you have one this apring/summer when I can ride over. I'd love to meet y'all...

  6. Good to see some hair on your face, Scout!

  7. I am now attempting to unboggle my mind. I have sailed with Kerry and am distressed that you are so lost to common decency as to hang out with communications types.

    Mostly I'm upset that he gets to eat lunch with you and I don't.

  8. A good time was had!

    Shame I came so late, but couldn't be helped.

  9. We were glad you could make it.

  10. Thanks! It did help close out a... strange day.

  11. When there's snow on the ground, I like beers you could eat with a fork.

    That would be the porter.

    George R.R. Martin, indeed. Like looking in a freakin' mirror...scares me, sometimes :-)

  12. Wanted to make it, but my daughters had a cheerleader competition this past weekend... 11 year old cheer leaders will beat gun blogger meetups every time (like Rock does to Scissors, if the Rock was wearing sparkle eye shadow and a pink skirt.)

    Maybe next time.


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