Sunday, January 19, 2014

Making a note in my phrase book...

I am going to change the expression I use for describing bemused, uncomprehending wonderment from "like monkeys staring at a monolith" to "like Cletii staring at a clearing barrel."
"I hate to interrupt your smoke break there, Jasper, but I need to use that there sand barrel in yore sittin' bench so's I can gas up my heater."
Fortunately it was too cold at this show to need to shoo any loiterers off the clearing barrels, at least on Saturday.


  1. Technically, they were apes, not monkeys.

  2. Alliteration afore accuracy.

  3. Probably a more apt term would be "hominids."

    Sorry Tam, what was that you muttered about your Indian name?

  4. I dunno about folk usin' it as a bench, but when I came in on this Sunday morn' I fount it stuffed with pop bottles and a couple coffee cups stacked on it.

    Still used it as a safe direction. Not like that crap would have hurt the sand.

    But I do pity the maintainer.

  5. ( Stamps one foot on ground while squatting and howling in fear, then reaches out to touch the mysterious barrel ... )

  6. Oh, with all the sand and what not, I thought it was a large ashtray. My bad. ;P

    (ducks and runs)


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