Monday, January 20, 2014

Quit beating on the nail with the screwdriver.

So, expressing his doubts about Tsar Vladimir I's security arrangements at the XXII Winter Olympics, Senator King (?-ME) said on a CNN show that “I would not go and I don’t think I would send my family.

The news chirper reading the headlines at the top of the hour on the Today show intoned that the terrorist threat at the games was so great that a U.S. senator "said he wouldn't even send his family!"

Honey, that's not how that rhetorical device works. Put it back in the toolbox; you're scuffing up mommy's nice parquet floor. Either the situation was such that the senator would not send his family, or it was so grim that he wouldn't even send his worst enemy. See how that works? Now you try...


  1. Here in Maine I think it's pretty well understood that King would happily use his family as a sacrificial recon team, if there was anything in it for him.

  2. You're assuming that he likes his family.

  3. *basks in the warm glow of snark, sighs contentedly*

  4. Family? Enemy? To-MAY-to? To-MAH-to? Let's call the whole thing off!

  5. Perhaps she knows something about the Senator's family that we do not?

  6. Now, Grammar! (grandma)


  7. I don't know. With some families...

  8. King is the same jack-ass that wanted a federal law creating a "Gun Free Zone" around federal lawmakers. I'd like to know just how that was supposed to work.

  9. Minor quibbling, but isn't it Tsar Vladimir IV or so? I'm pretty sure they had a couple of other Vlads several centuries ago...

  10. JimB, you're thinking of Peter King from New York.

  11. Comrade Misfit, there were two Tsar Vladimirs ( Vladimir the Sunny and Vladimir II) prior to the Bolshevik revolution, so he would be Vladimir III if you figure him in with the others, though one could argue that since he's the first one post revolution he's Vladimir I.
    Tam, keep up the snark! I suspect that the media twit has a bit too much political consciousness sloshing about in what for lack of a better term we will refer to as the brain space.

  12. Angus King doesn't have any special values or principles, except Angus King. He said he caucuses with the Ds because they're in power, and will caucus with Rs if they take power. That's probably BS as, like most New England pols of any party, he's liberal.

    He is on the Armed Services Committee and voted to cut military retirements to keep funding "child tax credits" for illegal aliens with zero documentation (and zero actual children) required.

    He is antigun, supporting Schumer-Toomey-Manchin.


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