Monday, January 27, 2014

So, who's up for some fancy learnin'?

Come the NRA Annual Meeting here in town, the legendary Ambulance Driver is looking to put together:
"...a little first aid class targeted for shooters, on CPR, self-care and first aid for gunshot wounds? Course would probably be less than 4 hours, and cost around $30-40, mostly for the cost of a blowout kit I'm trying to put together small enough to fit in a range bag."
I'm totally down for that because learning stuff rocks, but my organizational skills are legendary for their non-existence.

Any fellow denizens of Hoosieropolis have an idea for a venue? 


  1. I cannot attend as I have many miles to go before I see los Estados Unidos again. I would be very interested, however, in knowing if Ambulance Driver would be willing to provide the kits separately and/or a list of supplies. Were I able to attend, I would be ALL over this.


  2. What Drifter said about the kit and list of supplies. Depending on the date offered, I would even consider the 4 hour drive to Hoosieropolis, if possible. Alternatively, I'd consider buying a dvd of the class. This is another matter where a person can ever get enough training.

  3. Roseholme Cottage? That would be cozy. I would suggest size of venue could match participants. Some of the local eateries should have some banquet facilities that could be had on the cheap.

  4. I wonder if you could get a room at the Convention Ctr where the NRA Meeting is being held. They usually have a lot of seminar rooms. They might let us have one for those 4 hours. Or we could just "occupy" one if we had to.

    I'd be up to attending it.

  5. It would probably up the cost, but MCFG clubhouse?

  6. All the local hotels have meeting rooms. The cost of the rooms varies from $200/day to $500/day based on the size of the room and the niceness of the hotel. The Mariott is the best cheap at $250/day, and also across the street from the convention center. The Conrad Hilton is expensive at around $450/day but exquisite. If you could put together a group of, say, 30 people this makes the cost per person very minimal. if you could get sponsors for some of the items in the kit, a $45-$50 per person cost seems very possible. I would paypal you that amount this very day to attend this.

  7. Let me be 2nd in line after leaddog for the DVD.

    - Drifter

  8. I live so far away attendance ain't possible, but I'd darn sure like to know what's in a "blow out kit"; fwiw, I take CPR/AED from the local fire dept. annually.

  9. Is there a Super8 motel nearby? The banquet rooms in my neighborhood's S8 run $50/day. Also I dunno if they've got a Grange out there, but ours also rents for $50/day.

    Sadly, the 33 hour, 2306 mile drive is a bit out of reach for me. Even if I did have employment that would fill the gas tank or I would be there. Like it's been said - 'can't get too much training'

  10. Has Kelly picked a hotel, yet? Last I read he was looking for something on the outskirts, where the conference rooms are hopefully much less expensive than the ones downtown.

  11. Maybe one of the local gun stores might be interested in hosting it?

    And google provides a pile of options by searching for downtown indianapolis meeting facilities ( ). Or maybe someone from ISRPA could help.

  12. Public library conference room?

    Shootin' Buddy

  13. I can't make it, but like others I'd like to know what's in the kit. Heck, if he wants to put them together and sell them at a markup I'd still be interested.

  14. Just a suggestion, check with one of the many American Legion posts. You can probably get space very cheaply or even free with a member sponsoring.

  15. I'd be down for the class. I need every bit of help I can get.

  16. So many answers from shooters who don't know what's in/what to put in a blow-out kit sure is a good illustration of the need for such training.

    Commenters should check Galls (under tactical medicine), Bound Tree, Dark Angel, or North American Medical for ideas - all such kits are slightly different but have similar "minimums" like a CAT, Celox, Israeli or similar dressing. Some contain chest seals, duct tape, nasal airways, and so forth.

    We just did our 3-day medical refresher; our kits are made for us by another agency. I would highly recommend that all shooters have such training and get similar "always with me" FAKs. Whether you buy one pre-made or make one up/have one made up for you, the point is (like the firearm and light) to have one on you.

  17. We could do it in the Vonnegut Library, just to make his head posthumously explode, but I think everyone who attends has to be a member, and I don't think it has much of a meeting space.

  18. My wife and I will be in town for the meeting and would attend the training class. Will there be a blog meet as well? We would like to buy you an adult beverage or more for the value
    your blog brings.

  19. I'd be real interested in attending.

    Alas, I'm not sure of a good venue

  20. Definitely something my wife and I would do.

    Just need more details, I don't see anything on his site so I'm either extremely stupid or he floated the idea to you through other channels*.

    *or both

  21. I'm up for it. I touch base with some other locals who I believe will also be interested.


  22. The SandCastle Crew will probably make the NRAAM though we haven't even started making plans.

    Count us in for 3 seats.


  23. Mebbe it's not so much that I don't know what to put into such a kit, but that I am interested in what HE puts into his kits; I teach disaster first aid, much different than regular first aid and I absolutely do not buy pre-made first aid kits! I do listen to what other recommend because I learn from that and pass it along to my students.

  24. Tam, if a free-to-low-cost venue turns out to be tough to find downtown, let me know. I have some connections about 6 blocks away.

  25. You guys put on the class, and Tracie and I will drive up there and take it.

  26. He could damn near make a career out of doing those seminars all around the country.

    The travel though, would suck after a while.

    Still, I hope South Houston is next on his list!

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  27. I've got reservations at the airport Hilton, want me to check on costs there?

  28. If a DVD and or kit list is made I would love to know.

    There is no way I could make it in person, but I'm interested.

  29. I plan to be at the con. I would like to go to class, assuming it doesn't conflict with an NRA event I've paid for.

    Also, will you be hosting a blog meet? I'd love to shake the hand of the great and powerful Tam!

  30. I'm in.

    We're lucky you aren't looking for a pig or goat farm venue...

  31. If I make it to the convention I'm in for the class.


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