Friday, January 24, 2014

Wait, that doesn't help...

So, among the various achievements one's little homunculi can earn in World of Warcraft are ones for loving the various critters that flit around as background color in the world of Azeroth. You know, like the little eep frog I inadvertently slaughtered.

So my Pandaren monk, BruiseLi, was tooling around last night, righting wrongs and kicking ass (as one does) and as I would pass little critters of species for which I had not yet expressed my affection, I would type "/love" at them.

That little "slash" or "solidus" is important, for it is what separates action commands from random chatter. As witness the dialog box in the lower right* left of the screen in the shot below:

A kung-fu panda on his trusty riding goat, walking the earth.

*I blame CDD Syndrome: Caffeine Deprivation Dyslexia.


  1. Well, everyone does love marko :)
    I assume you are like me and can't wait till the new book comes out?

  2. Either you got your R and L's mixed up or I have my head on backwards again.

  3. Do you mean the other right?

    I like squirrel but I love deer.

  4. Marko's new book is set for release Monday but I preordered mine for kindle through amazon. Support your favorite authors!

  5. I'm more concerned about the "You feel sober again" status update a few lines up...

  6. This just confirms my suspicion that you are actually a small creature that lives inside my computer monitor. Of course it looks like lower right-from the inside.

  7. My only comment about squirrels is that it's illegal to shoot them out of my trees here in the city. Although I do have a cool slingshot for putting wires in trees that could be repurposed...

    Anyway, love is not an emotion I have for tree rats :)

  8. I can't help but notice that your problems seem to begin soon after you feel sober again.

  9. I can't help but notice that your problems seemed to start immediately after you sobered up.

  10. I love squirrel too. Especially smothered in gravy.

  11. I'm still cracking up over "BruiseLi"!

    And the dialog w/Maj. Caudill (ret) was priceless.

    Great way to start the weekend, with a laugh.

  12. Who else thinks Marko Kloos is unhappy at being tossed for a squirrel?

  13. Don't ask. Don't tell.

  14. I was going to comment about WoW's use of the "slash" punctuation sign, in conjunction with the verb "love" in the game's context, but...

    No. Just no.

  15. Not a WoW guy, but tangentially MMO related. I've been playing Warframe, which is a fairly entertaining shooty/stabby third-person co-op. Lots of futuristic guns that still shoot bullets (although you can modify the guns to shoot exploding bullets, poison bullets, etc...).

    In any case, a friend of mine and I were amused by some of the designs. One in particular:

    See that big ol' magazine? That physically works its way UP through the weapon. Ironically, it's one of the best weapons in the game, despite the mechanism looking like they cribbed it off the French Chauchat. :D

  16. I remember busting some of those achievements out. Making a macro with /love and all the critter names you need works pretty well, then just stick it on one of your action bars, or hotkey it or something, then fly or run around loving everything.


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