Friday, January 24, 2014

Monkeys weren't meant to live this long.

That's all I'm saying.

I've got...

Check that.

I was going to say "I've got to suit up to take the trash out to the curb in these moon temperatures," but according to my handy web page which I literally just went and checked, they don't want dudes riding around hanging half out of garbage trucks in sub-zero temps and have bumped trash pickup at Roseholme Cottage back to Sunday.

Well Happy frickin' Birthday to me!


  1. Happy Birthday! I'm pretty sure I am descended from a race of bears, for the urge to hibernate grows stronger every year.

  2. Another day above ground is good. Happy B day. I know what you mean about cold. It's 27 degrees and the .1 in. of snow and sleet that fell in Austin over night has shut the city down. My work closed. Oh the horror, I hope I can make it til noon when the ice is supposed to melt. Blizzards are rough, but it should be 65 tomorrow.

  3. Tam,
    Are you now 21 and thus legal to try craft beers the world over? I'm basing my guess on the profile pic you have posted here. Anyway, congratulatiions Anne happy birthday!!

  4. Happy Birthday, and thanks for all the presents you've given us this past year.

  5. It figures that Tam and JMB would have the wisdom to choose back to back birthdays.

    Call it a twofer', and have a good one.

  6. Happy Birthday, Tam!

    And may there be many, many more to enjoy.

    Here's to a great year of shooty goodness, friends, fine foods and fancy beers to you!


    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  7. Happy birthday fellow 1968'er :)

  8. Happy Birthday and thanks for all the snark!

  9. Happy Birthday!

  10. What I love about our city government is that nowhere on the front page of is this information posted. I see "Altered Holiday Trash Pickup" as one of the rotating graphics at the top of the page, and if you click that, you get the page that says they've suspended trask pickup today.

    To make matters worse, none of the local media have anything about it on their websites.

    The only reason I knew about it was because Indiana Weather Online posted it to their Facebook page around 4:30AM. And my wife trundled the trash can down this morning anyway just in case -- because sometimes DPW lies about their trash pickup schedule.

  11. Oh, and Happy Birthday. I got all caught up and forgot to mention it :)

  12. At least they sent the NRA to you for your birthday!

    Happy Birthday!


  13. Happy birthday young lady, and my you have many more.

  14. Son noted that in current temps here they're doing morning PT in a gym.

    And happy B-day

  15. Have a happy b-day. Unless it was a satirical ploy, in which case, have a happy b-day.

    Any gift is good, regardless of source.

  16. Sounds like my choice of music to wish you a Happy Birthday suits your mood.

    I'm sorry. ;-)

  17. Yay! Tam made it around the sun again!

    Happy Birthday there young lady, and many more.

  18. Or this far north. Can't seem to get warm today.

    Happy birthday Tam. 28 again, right?

  19. Happy Birthday, Tam! Have some bourbon tonight.

  20. To the tune of the Volga Boatmen:
    Happy Birthday, who-ah
    Happy Birthday, who-ah
    Gloom and doom and dark dispair
    People dying everywhere
    Happy Birthday, who-ah

    Bonus points for knowing the origins. LOL

  21. Meanwhile, our regular "Skate with the Seawolves" yute event here in Anchorage, Alaska has been moved indoors, as the lagoon ice is too soft and dangerous due to our 40 degree temps.

  22. Happy happy Birthday!
    I'd say something clever, but first cuppa coffee and stuff.

  23. Happy Birthday

    /love Queen of Snark

  24. That's the diff between .gov run and private trash collection. I pay a private service and the only time they adjust id for Christmas day. Other than that, it's always a Monday pickup.

    Happy Birthday Tam!

  25. Happy Birthday Tam !

  26. My experience humping cans on the back of a trashtruck, is that your Indy guys are not moving fast enough. Union workers, yes?

    My driver only knew one pedal position for his right foot: flat to the floor, gas or brake. (dual feed, double pumper Holley, 400", 6 spd auto)
    We bailed off while still moving, and ran. Carry two or three cans to the truck, dump two at a time over the shoulder. No throwing empty cans, had to carry them back to the curb.
    Low, sub freezing temps, snow on the ground. Once I got warmed up, I would be down to a t-shirt.
    Wore my boot soles out in a little over a month. That was an unexpected cost, for me!
    Started in Dec. After a couple months, I was in the best shape of my life.
    Driver was fast, because we got paid for a full shift, whether we finished our route early, or not. We always finished early, of course.

    Happy Birthday, Tam! May you see the far side of the solar system many more times.

  27. Keads,

    It's a private company contracted with the city. Does any city this size not operate trash as a municipal thing?


    The residential trucks around here are single dudes running front-loaders from the right-hand stand-up driving position like these guys: They've just added a flipper to the side of the bin up front, too, for cans that will fit it.

    Still, it didn't get above 0F until late in the morning today. I don't begrudge them this.

  28. Of course, by Sunday we're supposed to have another 4" of snow...

    I'm sincerely tempted to hibernate until March.

    And Happy Birthday thing.

  29. Happy Birthday Tam, and best wishes for many more!

  30. Any birthday you can walk away from is a good birthday.

  31. Happy completion of yet another voyage around the sun! Happy birthday.

  32. DPW did, in fact, lie. Friday pickup was supposed to be Sunday. They just picked it up moments ago. Doesn't look like Sunday to me.

  33. hippity happity birthday Tam!


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