Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wiki Tab Clearing...

It's that time again. Too darned many Wiki tabs open...


  1. Can’t Speak of the Silver Bridge without bring up the Mothman.

  2. ATI/GSG is bringing a .22 MP-40 to market. If only they could make a 9mm version I'd be all over it...even in semi-auto.

    I remember seeing an MP-40 at the Hamilton Police station in the early 70's. It was on a table of confiscated guns. Back then they didn't destroy stuff like they do now. Always wondered who ended up with it.

    At the same event they were letting people shoot their tommy guns to get rid of their .45 ammo. They had gone to...not sure...but some caliber other than .45. They would only put 7 rounds in the mag because of the climb issue...but that was 7 rounds of fun...

  3. Steve said...
    Can’t Speak of the Silver Bridge without bring up the Mothman.

    Read the Mothman Prophecies when I was in school. Being a wet behind the ears teen...I believed every word of it. :-)

  4. Been a long time since I saw “Race for the Yankee Zephyr”. It has its moments. As I recall, the Gibson character only drinks when he is alone or with somebody (played wonderfully by Mr. Pleasence). One scene that has always stuck in my mind has Gibson scrambling across stony ground on the far side of a river while the bad guys blast away at him at from the high ground back across the river. With rounds smacking into the rocks all around him, Mr. Gibson is heard to soddenly mutter under his breath “Well. They’re not marksman are they.”

  5. Is it weird that I look at those links and try to find a narrative that encompasses them all?

  6. Imaging that "Democratic Centaralism" should give everyone the willies because it will eventually give everyone the swirly.

  7. New game:

    Click on the first link and try to wikiwander through the rest without clicking on them!

  8. ... and back down the Wiki hole again

  9. As a kid living in West Virgina we used to cross the bridge at Point Pleasant. After moving away we went back to visit in the spring of '68 and I remember seeing the bridge towers standing in the river.


  10. "Hell to Pay" by D M Giangreco. An in-depth examination of what would have happened if the Japanese had not surrendered.
    An expected casualty count of 100,000/month for our side!
    Possible tactical use of atom bombs! (The unknown, at that time, side effects would have been a major disaster at home, I'm thinking)

    I knew from extensive reading about ww2, that those who claim we didn't need to drop those atom bombs are idiots, but this book really gets into the details.

    Tam, was it you who mentioned this book about a month ago?

  11. That would be the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, or Red China, as I was once admonished for saying in an academic setting?

    Get a list of all Party members now, it will make the executions after the revolution soooooo much more accurate.


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