Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I find your lack of "Make it so!" disturbing.

I dreamed I was riding around in the back seat of Bobbi's little red Hyundai Accent with James Earl Jones. Patrick Stewart was driving. The landscape was more Albuquerque than Indianapolis.

We were driving down this access road along a busy interstate, with bluffs on either side, and there were rows of shops and little office buildings backed up against the bluffs and some atop them. Ahead, the terrain opened out and the freeway was bordered by car dealerships and a small airport.

The guy on the radio was talking about how the local National Guard unit was working up for a deployment to Dreamistan, and as we came out from under an overpass I looked up and there was a huge CH-54, with people rappelling out of a passenger pod on the bottom onto the roof of one of the office buildings up on the bluff. The building had an Army National Guard sign on it, and I guessed this must be part of pre-deployment workup the radio was talking about. The CH-54 was plastered with the usual Army identifiers, as well as bright red and yellow McDonald's logos, because I guess they sponsored the National Guard.

The hovering sky crane was big enough that it overhung the access road by a bit, and as I was watching out the back window, the tail suddenly dipped and the rotor struck the road and then the helicopter wadded up in a ball of flying wreckage right there in traffic. "Oh, no!" I went to call 911 on my cell phone, even though there were crash trucks and everything right there. Seeing all the lights and sirens suddenly made me think I should have taken pictures. I mean, this is something you have to blog about, right?

Patrick Stewart turned the car around in the entrance to the airport, where they were cleaning up the wreckage of what looked like a midair between a Bonanza and a Cessna 310R, and we drove back toward the helicopter crash. I tried to take a picture, but my weird dream smart phone said it had no room on the memory card. (I say "weird dream smart phone" because it was a two-piece unit consisting of the normal looking smartphone in my hand and a sort of "server" in my purse, bristling with slots for SD cards and Nintendo DS games.)

Luckily, there was a Walgreen's right next to the the crash site and I went in to get another microSD card.

While I was waiting in line to pay for it, I woke up.


  1. Vader and Jean Luke? No more sci-fi for you!

  2. What do you eat at night? I wanted to tell you to stop but now I just want to try eating the same things.

  3. Sure wish my dreams were more like yours. :)

  4. Ever dream that you were standing on a mountaintop wearing a loincloth and thousands of naked women were throwing little pickles at you?


    Why am I the only one who has that dream?

  5. Happens to me all the time. Friggin smartphones.

  6. Wow! I just got snow and flooding and bobcats in my dream last night. Nothing nearly so coherent.

  7. Wow! I just got snow and flooding and bobcats in my dream last night. Nothing nearly so coherent.

  8. I'm beginning to think there is a Questionable Content strip for everything.

    Disturbingly, Hannelore's little rap has been running through my head the whole commute into work. It actually sums up my feelings > 90% of rap quite well.

  9. Ambo Driver (aka Kelly),

    Mine's a pyramid, and they're sun-god robes. Otherwise, yes, all the time.

  10. 'Shrooms, man! 'Shrooms!

  11. You should post yer diet so the rest of us can have these wonderfully detailed and intense dreams too.

    I'm kinda jealous.

    I seldom remember my dreams.

  12. "While I was waiting in line to pay for it, I woke up."

    I'll bet that was a relief.

    I didn't get such strange and coherent dreams when I was taking the anti-malaria medicine, and bizarre dreams are a known and warned-about side effect.

  13. You need to start a cartoon like dbd, your dreams would give you all the material you need.

  14. Wow. I needs me some of what you are eating before bed time.

    The dreams I remember are work things. I don't like thinking about them when I am awake.


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