Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Just got off the phone...

...with Farmer Frank.

He had a no kiddin' serious stroke, but he's fighting back like... well, like the kind of dude who doesn't call in sick when he leaves a chunk of finger in some farm machinery. Most of the tubes are out and he's fixing to start the serious work of rehabbing.

Between his wife realizing what was up and calling the ambo, the ambo crew getting him to the hospital quick, and the docs at the hospital being on the ball, the prognosis is good for what would otherwise have been The Big One not all that many years ago.

If you're the prayin' type, keep praying as he goes through the grind of recovering from this mess. If you're not the praying type, then think positive thoughts or stick voodoo dolls or whatever is your equivalent.

Thank you.


  1. Thanks for the update. Good to hear, and glad he's the tough type. Look forward to seeing him at another blogmeet.

  2. I new he was the tough type. Glad he is still with use and prayers for his recovery. Hope to see him writing again soon.

  3. Sending them his way. We'll all be there soon enough.

  4. Best wishes to him. He's one of the Good Guys and like you, an asset to us all. Thanks for keeping us posted, Tam!

  5. Done!
    Prayer and/or voodoo.

    If one is good, more must be better, eh?


  6. Prayers, yes.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  7. Good to hear. Keeping him and his family in our prayers.

  8. Best wishes and prayers for recovery.


    "What this outfit needs is a good Satanist. I mean, God is good right? He'll take care of you no matter what. It's the -other- guy you need to be on good terms with."

    - (I believe from Frezza's excellent mil sci-fi "A Small Colonial War")

  9. Thank you for the update and it is good to hear that he is starting to work on the rehab.

  10. Thoughts and prayers will continue...

  11. Yeah, a stroke was partial or complete death, 20 years ago. With education and ER docs with initiative, we're seeing people pull through to complete recovery, in some cases, and very slight impairment in others.

  12. Yeah, a stroke was partial or complete death, 20 years ago. With education and ER docs with initiative, we're seeing people pull through to complete recovery, in some cases, and very slight impairment in others.

  13. Hope the rehab goes well and there aren't any severe deficits.


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