Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Overheard in the Bathroom...

RX: *laughing* "I can't get in the shower!"

Me: "What?"

RX: "There's a shower cat in here."

Me: "Is he defending his little cave again?"

RX: "Yep."

Me: "Wait! Lemme fetch the camera!"

While the flash gave away his position this morning...

...this ambush can be a little startling if it happens in a dimly-lit bathroom at 0gawd30, as has once happened to me. Luckily, I was already sitting down.


  1. LOLOL. DO what I do with the dogs: Give the cat one bath in that tub and it'll never go in the bathroom again.

  2. I dunno, Murphy. We've had cats I've caught and turned the shower on multiple times yet they still kept getting in there to drink water off the tub floor after one of the hoomans had a shower. Yes, ew.

  3. One of ours has developed a new trick.

    My brother got me one of those micro RC helicopters (Air Hogs Hawk Eye) for Christmas.

    I've been practicing with it the past couple nights and he's taken to sitting on the arm of the couch and trying to swat it out of the air. He was successful once.

  4. Teehee! We have a bathtub cat, too, except this one will hop into the tub and squall until one of us opposable-thumbed humans will get him the fresh water from the tap which he believes is his due.

    Yes, he's spoiled rotten. Next question?

  5. It must be in the orange tabby blood...

  6. Turn on the shower!
    Said cat will stop occupying...

    "I gave my cat a bath the other day. No, I loved it; she loved it.
    The fur stuck to my tongue, but other than that..." - Steve Martin


  7. The barn cat likes to go a few rounds now and then. She'll sit on the hay bales and throw a right hook at me. I'll respond with a few missed ones myself.
    After about a minute or so of air punches she will turn her head to say she has had enough and I may leave.


  8. I'm acquainted with a cat who not only likes water, he'll climb into the sink and look at you to demand you turn on the "happy fountain" for his use.

    His owner bought one of those bubbling fountains that's supposed to keep the water fresh, but he tends to be found with this head pressed against the plastic dome, letting the water wash over his face. He does it so much, he has a "bindi mark" on his forehead, now.

    He's also stone deaf and has no idea how loud his yowling screams are, or how they scare the bejesus out of the two-legs sometimes.

  9. Ratbane used to get in the shower with us. He was the tom who liked to go out in the rain, get soaked, come in and get toweled off, and go back out again.


  11. Our younger cat likes to drink out of the bathroom sink. He only likes drinking the water when it is running and sticks his head under the stream. I think he is developmentally challenged.


  12. Forbidden water is best water!


  13. I once lived in a house that had one, then two Pacific tree frogs residing in the bathtub. The first one would hastily climb out of the tub when I went to take my morning shower. But it only took a few weeks for it to decide I was a harmless giant that brought warm rain. In a month or so, a second one showed up and repeated the process. I assume they lived on the spiders and other bugs that fell into the tub and couldn't get out.

  14. My pug has been known to jump in the tub...and stare at the faucet. I have no idea why. But then, he's a pug and doesn't need a reason.



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