Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Winter wonderland?

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Official snowfall at IND is 7.1", with another inch or two expected this morning. What that translates to on Roseholme Cottage's sidewalks is unknown, but unlikely to be good. At least the worst of this is well on its way to Pennsylvania and points east by now.

I'm going to have my NOS and my Spicy Hot V8 and wash down a handful of these patent nostrums, sovereign remedies, and placebos, and then I'm going to do the un-fun part of shovelling before I do the fun part of getting the Subie cranked up and breaking trail in the alley, in case the neighbor with the Trooper hasn't already done so.


  1. They were predicting multiple inches of snow in western OK yesterday, which turned into 'Meh'. Which sucks, because multiple inches of wet snow in that region would've been an answer to prayers, it's been so dry.

  2. Things are bad enough here.

    At least I don't live near a great lake.

  3. Indy's a bit far south to get any lake effect.

    Most of the snowmakers here come out of the west or WSW.

  4. We got 6 - 7" here (hard to tell with the drifting) just NW of STL, but it's very dry and fluffy so not much moisture.


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