Monday, March 17, 2014

Good to see that region is all stabilized.

So, apparently Navy SEALs have seized a tanker full of Libyan oil that had been seized by armed Libyans before it could be shot full of great big oil-leaking holes by other armed Libyans and now the Navy is returning the ship to the Libyans. Not the Libyans who highjacked it; the other Libyans, the ones who asked for it back.

It's good to see that our time-limited, scope-limited kinetic overseas contingency operations have helped produce yet another stable and thriving democracy in the Mediterranean littoral. Maybe we can listen to the media and McCain and sometimes the president* and help do for Syria what we've done for Libya. I mean, if Syria doesn't finish doing it to itself first.

*Any issue that has both Obama & McCain on one side of it, you can be pretty safe looking for me on the other. Every moral compass needle needs an ass end, and they're mine.


  1. Ancient Woodsman10:45 AM, March 17, 2014

    Weren't Obama and McCain pretty much on the same side in that 2008 election? Seemed that way to me.

  2. One of Ms. Clinton's many diplomatic success areas.

  3. "Every moral compass needle needs an ass end, and they're mine."


    I so need to steal that quote.

  4. I'll go further. Any issue with Obama and McCain on the same side is to a virtual certainty the wrong side, morally and in terms of long term betterment of mankind.


  5. "the Sunday night operation" cost more money than I will pay in Federal taxes my whole life.

    The Founders would revolt again.

  6. McCain and Obama have ass territory firmly staked out and homesteaded.

  7. "Every moral compass needle needs an ass end, and they're mine."

    Your Internets are in the mail for that one.

  8. Great, just great.

    No better use of an asset of that nature than meddling in a civil war in a rathole of a nation.

    Shootin' Buddy

  9. DAmmit we stole it from pirates, right?>

    Can't we sell it for the SEAL widows & orphans benevolent fund and X-mas party?

  10. Run, Marty........ It's the Libyans!

  11. Mogadishu on the Med.

    Thank you Hillary. Thank you Susan. And Special Thanks to Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron, for making the insurgency successful.

  12. Ancient Woodsman5:56 PM, March 17, 2014

    It is simply inconceivable that this waffling 'diplomacy' (with emphasis on the 'dip') will ever end well in our generation. Not with these third rate actors in a fourth-rate cast.

    "Hello, my name is Barack Obama. Jou killed my father. Now, prepare to die!"

    Have fun stormin' the tanker!

  13. It's funny how quickly you can get a bunch of SEALs to Libya when, you know.... you actually want to.

  14. Anonymous @ 1:48.

  15. TFA303 - Yup. My thoughts exactly.

    We couldn't respond when our own gol-durned embassy was attacked, but by God, when an oil tanker is hijacked, send in the SEALS!


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