Sunday, March 16, 2014

That makes as much sense as any other theory.

Sheila Jackson Lee is actually from Bizarro Texas.


  1. What is Dallas like to keep returning SJL back to power? Some sister toDC?

  2. Hank Johnson must be her neighbor across the street.

  3. The author forgot to mention that, in this alternate universe, slavery didn't end until the latter part of the 20th century, as SJL is a self-proclaimed "freed slave."

    - Drifter

    PS - As much as I hate to defend Dallas, SJL is the Pride of Houston.

  4. Houston, the new New Orleans.

    And people wonder why I worry about the future of the state of Texas.


  5. Yep she's from Houston... And they DO keep re-electing her... sigh

  6. in our defense the 18th district was drawn to assure a certain representation; it comprises the urban core (such as it is, H-town is pretty spread out)and some contiguous suburbs; while many of the component neighborhoods are undergoing gentrification the dems still can pull 70% plus no matter what quality of candidate they run...the two previous holders of that office were no prize either. You have to go all the way back to Barbara Jordan in the 70's to find one you can respect, regardless of agreement on politics.

  7. We don't call it Bizarro in Texas, we just call it Houston.

    And Dallas has it's own precious little gem in the form of Eddie Bernice Johnson. Though she's more of a regular, doctrinaire leftist, she'll occasionally board the crazy train with SJL.

  8. "Houston, you have a problem."

  9. It would explain much if she took the time machine back from Idiocracy.

  10. Houston, you have a problem."

    Can we award TWO Internets in one day??

  11. Personally, I follow Occam's Razor.

    The simplest explanation is that SJL is quite simply in possesion of an IQ in the low single digits, as are most of her constituents.

    It is truly frightening that these drooling mouth breathers are allowed to drive motor vehicles, vote and have offspring.


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