Friday, March 07, 2014

I don't mean to be cocky, here, but...

...this dude's link spam is a little transparent, because he's just not selling me on his complaint:

Click to embiggen.


  1. JohninMd.(help??)9:17 AM, March 07, 2014

    Yah, definitely a master of der Engresh language.....

  2. Speaking of ads you've got Obama care ads on your mobile site today. I think they were from another reality though as they said that you could get coverage for less than $20 a month.

  3. Never pick a fight with a spambot. They're constructed from wrought irony.

  4. And he sees no irony in his own grammatical errors while complaining about someone else's supposed spelling errors? Hey, buddy, take the beam from thine own eye before attempting to remove the mote from Tam's.

  5. How many "I am the new Guy / I am the new Girl / I am the new one" post titles are you getting nowadays, Tam? We're down to a couple a week at one of the places where I help out.

    Lately, it's been the fake I.D. vendors (I'm sorry, "Novelty" I.D.) filling up the Spam trap.

    Every. Friggin'. Day.


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