Friday, March 07, 2014

The first robin of spring?

Or just another winter soldier?

"Think I'll drive and find a place to be Surly..."
Surly Long Haul Trucker spotted outside Twenty Tap yesterday. Side streets still had reasonable amounts of slushy icepack in the shade.

We'll use the caption above for the segue:



  1. It will work good till you try to turn. I saw some in traffic before the last snow storm. When you put your mind to it, it is amazing what people will do.

    I have about given up bikes as cars hurt to much. Maybe when gas hits 6$ a gallon I will revisit that.

  2. I drove my truck to work today, so that I could bring my LHT. The temp should be about 50 F at lunch, so I can run my errands and try to work off some of my winter insulation. ride since the Fall. I hate to admit it, but DST can not come too soon this spring. I live in North MS, so I guess you Yankees will cry me a river for the "harsh" Winter we have had.

  3. The last time I saw a bicycle in the snow it had studded tires for both wheels. I haven't had the guts (or the snow for that matter) to actually try that. It seems that some sort of spike pattern on the front wheel would help you to steer.

  4. Some robins over winter, I wouldn't read too much into it.
    I'm car free north of Albany, NY.
    It did take a couple of trips to the hospital, but I seem to have learned how to keep myself reasonably safe. It's been about 25 years since I returned home on a backboard; knock on cold steel.

  5. When I was in Germany I saw a lot of bicycles being ridden even in the winter.


  6. Do the racks on the Surly rotate 90 degrees and become bumpers?

  7. No, but if you get an extracycle mod for your Surly, you can use it to haul the bodies away.

  8. I avoid the streets and roads, but winter doesn't keep me off my bike.
    Snow and ice are better riding than slush or mud. Spring is generally my worst season for riding.

  9. On this very subject, a bicyclist rode from Willow, AK to Nome in 10 days, 2 hours, and 53 minutes. A distance of 1000 miles. Took a full week off of the previous record. Bicycling in Winter is possible. Cross country. His time would have placed him in the top twenty-five of the Iditarod sled dog race finishers. Tough doesn't begin to describe these competitors.


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