Friday, March 21, 2014

Overheard in the Smallest Room...

SCENE: Roseholme Cottage interior. Night. The taller of the two residents has entered the restroom only to notice the nearly empty roll of bog paper and perform a quick about-face towards the supply cabinet.
Me: "Ha! I nearly fell for your fiendish trap!"

RX: "Trap? You're wearing socks, aren't you?"


  1. Overheard in the office Men's Room.

    "You got any TP in your stall?"

    "Sadly, nope."

    "You got five $1's for a $5?"

  2. NJT - the value of the dollar goes up significantly when you find yourself in dire straits...

  3. Married for almost twenty years and I never did learn the answer to the great question of our time, "What do they do with all that toilet paper?"

  4. In a large corporate office, I once heard the occupant of the next stall quietly and sadly say to himself, "No TP? Well, I never really liked this tie anyway."

    I left before him, trying not to laugh.

  5. One of you is tall? Or is it like fractions of an inch variance? Inquiring minds and all that.

  6. "You're wearing socks, aren't you?"

    I always thought that was how you got the low dusting done.

  7. Matt W: When the dollar gets to that point, using it as buttwipe will probably leave green and black ink all over your ass.

  8. "You're wearing socks, aren't you?"

    OMG, I think it's past y nap time.

  9. Sadly, the consequences of the internet age and demise of printed phone books.

  10. for emergencies deep in the woods, one should always wear cheap underwear and carry a pocket knife.

  11. For a self-described Victorian, she sure will drop some ribald science on occasion.

  12. Joel said...

    ". . . and I never did learn the answer to the great question of our time, "What do they do with all that toilet paper?"

    Don't know about Roseholme, what with them not being guys and all, but I've never forgotten this little macramé I saw at eye level over the john at a relative's place which I took to heart:

    If you piddle
    when you diddle,
    be a sweetie
    and wipe the seatie."

    That'll run through some TP.


  13. Tam is noticeable taller but -- hey, I'm up here! -- for some reason a lot of guys don't notice.

    The Victorians had their ribald moments, BTW.

    And what's with the men's room code-of-silence thing? Bizarre. They put those jet-engine hand-dryers in the washrooms at work and you can't even begin to hold a conversation now. I blame men for that.


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