Monday, March 24, 2014

"Why won't you ignorant cousin-humping rednecks vote for us?"


  1. I'm not a tweeter.

    What's happening here?

  2. Something about a twitter thread with Larry Correia, Robb Allen, Tam and SPQR in it that gives me a shiver.

  3. Ok. That one went right over me.

  4. The irony is that many of these folks are fans of all things European--countries where cousin-humping "royalty" reigns. Ergo, this really boils down to "my cousin-humpers are better than your cousin-humpers."

  5. Context please?

  6. 'pears they're commenting on all that "Civility in discussion" the LightBringer promised...

  7. Some folks' "t'hees" are other folks' "whuts?".

  8. It always amuses me (especially in election years when it heats up) to see my Progressive friends linking and repeating the "The Other works by using fear and hate! ... So, for the love of all you hold dear, you have to vote Democrat or they'll destroy everything, those horrible monsters!"

    I guess it's only fear and hate when it's The Other being asserted to do it...

  9. I don't start paying attention to ignorant cousin-humping rednecks until the magical phrase is uttered, thusly:

    "Hold my beer and watch this!"

  10. When very intelligent people like Larry C. are being wholly dismissed because of the opposing side's incorrect assessment of his political views, it gives insight into which side is winning the argument, and that both sides know it.

    That's the only solace that I take when people accuse me of the heartless 1%-er thing, because I like to think my arguments are grounded solidly in reality and backed by empirical...

    ...oh hell: LOOK, TAM MADE A FUNNY! :)

  11. Heh, ain't it the truth... or IS that the problem??? ;-)


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