Tuesday, March 25, 2014

You guys! You'll never guess what it's doing out there!

Winter, stahp.
Yesterday morning was sunny, at least, but it was just trying to lure me out into the 20-something degree weather. Fortunately, I had to wait at home for the guy from the Death Star to come un-**** out phone and intertubes, which kept me inside and warm.

Now the data comes into Roseholme Cottage via a pipe that is almost six times fatter than before. Movies can be streamed while war is being cracked. Great big magazine .pdf files should zing back and forth at the speed of light.

Today's flurries won't amount to anything, and it's supposed to be back up into the fifties by Saturday. I hope so.


  1. It's snowing down here in Nashville, too, but we aren't even getting as much "accumulation" as you are.

    I thought March was supposed to go out like a lion...

  2. Wintr, wut r u doing?

    Wintr, stahp!

  3. When did you buy a van?! :)

  4. I'm still nursing a sunburn from Thursday and it was snowing this morning in NE Tennessee. There is no logic in this place.

  5. Herndon, VA streets and sidewalks clear but grass totally covered. Accumulation 'bout 1 inch. Expect up to 3 before it ends tonight.
    I will NOT complain about the heat this summer.

  6. In 1968, it snowed on race day.

    Prepare yourself :)

  7. Got about an inch of that global warming here in Western NC.

  8. Guess there's about an inch down here in West By Gawd and snowing merrily.

  9. All that speed, and yet yer hunter still stands dead in the fire?

    ... says the agro monk(ey).

  10. Who needs a magazine .pdf that size, anyway? I mean, honestly!

  11. Jeff said...

    When did you buy a van?! :)

    11:23 AM, March 25, 2014

    She didn't. That's her NSA caseworker.

  12. Meh. Amateurs. Here in Virginia it's been snowing heavily all day--probably six inches--which has melted down to three or so on grass, and some slush on roads. Forecast is for cold and blustery. But at least we bore quadruplets today; the first four seeds in rockwool hatched on the heating pad.


  13. I suspect sometime in April I'll need to deploy the shovel up here.

    It's just that kind of winter.

  14. That's pretty impressive, photoshopping all the snow away like that.

  15. All that van is missing is the spray painted "free candy" on the side, looks legit!

  16. I just read the caption on your pic on my 2nd visit today. Apparently my comment wasn't as original as i thought when I posted it.

  17. Temps in the 70's this past weekend in Lower Alabama, and now nights in the 20's. No snow but spring needs to show up.

  18. We're down sixteen degrees to 62 from yesterday's high of 79 with clouds blowing in and rain expected later this afternoon into tomorrow.
    But the Sheriff's office called and my appointment to check my carry-guns for my CCW is Friday.

  19. Sorry guys, the weather is all my fault. Every time I have tried to work on framing my house in the last two months the weather takes a crap.

  20. It's sunny and 72 here, and folks are at the beach... Of course it IS fall down here... :-)

  21. "Rob said... She didn't. That's her NSA caseworker."

    'zipper sound'

    Shoot the Moon!

  22. Damn Rob, you stole my thought and said it funnier.


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