Thursday, May 01, 2014

Gratuitous Gun Pr0n #85...

Para USA booth was stylish and cleanly designed, although a couple of the displays had a slightly awkward "circular firing squad" vibe. I didn't count the SKUs, but with the various combinations of double- or single-stack, LDA or single-action, and all the calibers and slide lengths, they've got to have one of the widest arrays of 1911-pattern guns on the market even before you get into finishes and sights and stuff like that.


  1. I missed that one! I guess I just thought they were looking at 'one' gun... Actually I missed a lot apparently... sigh

  2. They put finishes on their guns?

    When did that start?

  3. I got right near terminally confused when Para (the home of the logically numbered Baby Got Back 1911's) came out with the "Slim Hawg" .... "Hogs" should not be "slim" .... I stopped looking.


  4. Saw "Para", had to look. EDC is my P12 I got back in 2000. Yeah, they put enough of a finish on to get that beautiful holster wear, makes it look comfy and lived with.

  5. That carousel of MAD is, indeed, creepy as hell. Surely they could have had those custom magwell mounting points made to point the guns down-and-in so you didn't feel like you were being muzzled by one of their products no matter where you stood.

    Marketing people... Can't explain stuff to them, can't shoot them.


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