Friday, June 27, 2014

Epic Rap Battles of History

Things I thought I'd never see: The Ukrainian Crisis As Told Through Hip-Hop.

Eastern European Nazi Hip Hop Videos... roll the concept around in your mind a little bit so you can examine just how fractally wrong that is.


  1. Years from now, some laid back Ukrainian youth will reflect on how right-wing rap supplemented a politically deficition school education.

    "And I know. I know because of Andrey Donskoy."

    Maybe doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

  2. To borrow a phrase from P.J. O'Rourke - it brings together a little of the worst of every culture in the world.

  3. Were they backed by the Taliban Modern Jazz Ensemble?
    (finger snaps)


  4. Yeah, well, I don't think "The Battle of Donuzlav Bay" will be nearly as catchy with a rap style as "The Battle of New Orleans" was with it's twangy country style.

  5. Wow. The whole concept a zoot-suited telling of the Warsaw Ghetto story.
    Hell, for all I know, that was done, too.
    Gerry, you'll get your thumbs cut off for that. I don't think even snapping fingers is halal to those weird-beards (no offense to Weer'd Beard).
    --Tennessee Budd

  6. They just need to beware the queen sending in Christopher Lee...

  7. I kind of liked the second one. And I'll admit, I'm partisan on this one, but it's more of an Anti-Fa rap video. Those marchers in the video are West Uke/Galicians marching in support of Bandera.


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