Saturday, June 28, 2014

From discussion elsewhere...

140 characters is a lot better suited for fart jokes than philosophical debates.


  1. Isn't there something newer than Twitter on the horizon? I don't know what this next thing is called, but AFAIK it's shorter than Twitter, so in a sort of Newspeak trimming of language, human conversation is becoming even more limited to fart jokes and bumper sticker leftist indoctrination.

  2. It's also great for mindless cheer leading, so it's a good medium for tracking the anti-gun forces.

  3. LOL, just one more reason NOT to do that... :-)

  4. Convenient way to post Bible verses, I've noticed.

  5. In the suburbs, nobody can hear you fart.*

    *when you're running the leaf blower

  6. Oh, I don't know. Let's see: "Is Schrodinger's Cat Alive or Dead? And what does it mean to Existentialism?"

    Seems to fit.

  7. Like having a philosophical discussion using beeper codes!

  8. sepulvedasrevenge, if you fart into the intake of said leaf blower (assuming it's a light electric type, not those backpack gas-powered abominations), and you're aiming the, er, exhaust at someone, you can stink 'em from well across the yard.

    Or, so I'm told. By a friend.

    It would be a cruel father that would do something like that to his teenage son.

  9. You always hear that the brevity of modern communications is dumbing down the population.

    I wonder if it's in fact the other way around - that communication is in fact catching up with the capacity and comprehension of the average person.


  10. No no, it was supposed to be a DART gun...


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