Saturday, June 28, 2014

It came to me in traffic the other day...


  1. Wouldn't that be

    #nationaldayofprayer#stophashtagactivism ?

  2. YES.

    I am also thoroughly sick of how "hashtag" has suddenly become a term widely used in verbal adverts. Hashtag, "I'm sick of hashtags."

  3. I'd buy that for a dollar.

  4. I'd like a t-shirt depicting that bumper sticker, possibly with an appropriately colored awareness 'ribbon' printed alongside... but I'd likely only wear it once. You know, for the selfie.

  5. Over on the Left Coast, in another lifetime, an event (powered by unicorn farts) was scheduled to protest/save/support whatever.
    A few young men, brainstorming, with the assistance of adult beverages had T-shirts silk-screened with "Nuke the Gay Whales Until They Glow in The Dark" and attended.
    Progressives have NO since of humor.


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