Monday, July 21, 2014

Overheard in the Office...

Roomie makes a Modest Proposal...
RX: "'Mounds of poop along the borders?' If we would do that with Mexico, we might not be in so much trouble. If everybody in Texas and Arizona went down to the border and took a steaming dump..."


  1. One good enema given to DOJ & POTUS would do it. If needed, congress could be added, but I fear of a fecal fantasia happening.

  2. You know this comment thread will get out of control...

    Because we are immature boys ... and poop....

  3. EPA would send the goon squad to put a stop to that.

  4. "One good enema given to DOJ & POTUS would do it."

    After which, they could be buried in a match box.

  5. With the amounts of trash that illegals leave AFTER they cross the Rio Grande (inner tubes, wet clothing (dead giveaway they were just swimming) and assorted other mierda, its a surprise they can climb over it to make it to shore. Shucks, if a TV news organization were to send a camera over to film the conditions, there would be a lot more hoopla about 'trashing the river'.

    But I won't hold my breath.

  6. Fast and furious, running across the border; 'cause Eric can't Hold 'er...

  7. >EPA would send the goon squad to put a stop to that.
    No guarantees if they're from the Denver office....

  8. Eat beets first! It'll be horrific

  9. Didn't the narks in Bored of the Rings use a similar tactic?

  10. You don't take 'em, you leave 'em!


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