Saturday, July 05, 2014

Rain Delay...

There was a WX delay yesterday, so Independence Day noisemaking consisted of dodging raindrops while cranking off a couple hasty mags from a Glock 42. Despite being a Browning-designed cartridge, sixteen rounds of .380 just does not a July 4th event make, so we're gonna be doing Independence Day II: Electric Boogaloo today.

Incidentally, I always wonder about the long faces and lost liberty moping going on in my circles on that day. I mean, I used to engage in it too but, as it was pointed out to me by a dear friend, most people use their blogs or Facebook pages or Twitter feeds to decry the encroachment of controls and the erosion of freedoms all year 'round. Can there not be one day where we celebrate what we're fighting for instead of moping and railing at what we're struggling against?

It's hard to make joining you in the struggle look an attractive proposition if all you do is mope about with lemon-sucking expressions and whinge about Leviathan all the time. You gotta point out what your team is offering as an alternative. Freedom might be dangerous and not guarantee any happy outcomes, but dammit, it should at least be fun. It's got dangerous firearms and more than the USRDA of high cholesterol bacon, after all.


  1. Tam:

    It was a gorgeous day up here in Farmer Frank land.
    Rain in Indy?

  2. Eyes on the prize indeed. Happy 4th part II

  3. I'm more than open to good options, I'm just not seeing any right now. Maybe after November... :-) I didn't get to shoot yesterday (airlines and all that), but I'm going tomorrow!!! :-)

  4. Exactly! Happy Warriors, I didn't really get that until this passed year. Again, thanks for kind of setting the tone yesterday.

  5. Alright! I feel better now. Had sad face when reading previous post.

    Out of bacon, had to sub homemade sausage, but a pile of ammo ready to go down range very soon!

    LSMFT and all that! Happy shooting!

  6. Sorry for being mopey buy thinking about what the Presidential election 2016 might look like set me off.

    Stay Puft's veto theater was the real catalyst.

  7. Amen! I didn't get my $$$-to-noise conversion accomplished yesterday either (excuse was less viable than yours, too). But hope springs eternal, and we still have two more days to get it done before the grind resumes!

  8. Conditioned response, I suspect.

    In the first place, it takes a pretty self-aware soul to be grateful for what he has; you have to have most of the spaces on your Mazlow's Hierarchy ticket punched before you can say you're glad for what you have.

    And as my pastor used to say disapprovingly, it feels GOOD to be angry.

    It may be that we've become so accustomed to bitching and moaning about the Sorry-State-of-Affairs that we don't know HOW to be glad of what we have.


  9. Are libertarians willing to live with the risk or go running back to the Nanny State after all?

  10. 10-4 good buddy. Good times on order as per spec.


  11. Reasons to be happy, we've got Corriea for sci-fi fantasy guns and Ringo for tied-up fantasy guns.

  12. Amen.

    I had my 4th bang-fest interrupted by mom's health. Today, I hit the range early to brighten my day and then took mom to lunch since she was feeling better. Nothing does the spirit good like 250 rounds downrange and a loved one feeling better.

    It's all a slow slide as far as the other stuff is concerned and I have more important things to do than dwell on those assholes and what they are up to.

  13. Looks like Broad Ripple had their own fireworks late last night:

  14. Yes, things look grim. But to paraphrase Churchill, it's bad until you compare us to everyone else.

  15. You can't beat something with nothing.

    And your own liberty is the best something there is as long as you can enjoy it.

  16. You are right! I hope you had a great Independence Day. I just don't make a really good cheer leader =) Not enough coffee on the planet for that.

  17. And that's why I blog about fishing


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