Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tactical RV...

Spotted at the Marion County Hamfest:

I get the utility of a "mobile command post"-type vehicle for a governmental subdivision that encompasses almost a million souls, but did they have to paint it up like Reinhard Heydrich's Winnebago? This is, after all, a vehicle that is more likely to be used in the aftermath of tornadoes, floods, or fires than in response to the bank robbery shootout scene in Heat.

There must not have been any hardcore whackers at the event, because this thing would have pulled 'em in like a bug zapper. They'd have been gently bumping off those shiny aluminum flanks like 300-lb polyester-clad moths around a Coleman lantern.


  1. I've heard the term whacker used in volunteer firefighter circles, at least here in PA. It's what you call someone who takes the job (and themselves) a little too seriously. Having your vehicle equipped with a light bar is usually a requisite, but it's more about attitude than anything else.

  2. According to the linked piece, the term originated from the volunteer firefighter community.

  3. Speaking as the owner of a large black truck, large black trucks are kind of dumb. They're hot and stay clean for about five minutes.

  4. Just hang a chamois from the belt buckles, squeeze a little turtle wax on them, and that thing will gleam in the sunlight until the end of days.

  5. Doesn't painting it black make it tacticool?

  6. From the picture, it looks like Reinhard Heydrich learned his lesson about riding around in open cars........

  7. I dunno, Tam. Third-Reich Black strikes me as slightly less hypocritical than a restful sky blue with large "Serve and Protect" decals.

    (And a belated thanks for the trackback on the NSA pervs post.)


  8. The Decals can provide aiming point or maybe decals are not Tacticool

  9. This is what you build when you can't get an MWRAP Penis Substitute.

  10. The old mobile command post here was repainted and became the county book mobile.

    The new one is coyote brown and never leaves the PoPo parking lot to the best of my knowledge.

    Instead of sirens it should just blast the theme from SWAT!


  11. Nah, I'd rather have a blue/white or County brown/tan, even if it is hypocritical. Tactical black pretty much says, 'Screw it, we're not even going to pretend anymore.'

    Same reason I don't think cops should wear camouflage, under any circumstances. SWAT gets PD blue or County green.

    Appearances, being signals, are important.

  12. Sabre22,

    "The Decals can provide aiming point or maybe decals are not Tacticool "

    There are decals on the door...


    "This is what you build when you can't get an MWRAP Penis Substitute."

    ...and the above mentioned decals will point out that the black paint job is extra silly because this isn't even IMPD's vehicle. The po-po have armored cars. This is the public safety department's share-and-share-alike mobile radio and 'puter bus.

  13. The Pentagon Police bought a big mobile command post too with their 9-11 money. They only have one building. Why do they need to be mobile? And they have a fleet of cars and motorcycles.

    Big piles of other people's money will always find a way to be wasted.

  14. That paint job will definitely put a strain on the capabilities of the A/C systems. That just screams "I'm Stupid!"
    On top of which, from past experience, there are two paint colors that cost extra on vehicles: Gloss Black, cause it shows everything, and Red, because the paint itself costs much more.

  15. Is that the Terminator in that there driver's seat?

    And I'll bet Sarah and John Connor are in the back scopin' out the rear view watchin' out for the T-1000.


  16. I just keep thinking of "Stripes" and the Urban Assault Vehicle. Remember when that was funny, and not so damned close to the truth?

  17. "Reinhart Heydrich's Winnebago"

    My day is complete. I can go to bed after I clean the diet coke off the keyboard.

  18. "...because this thing would have pulled 'em in like a bug zapper."

    Tactical stun-gun? I wonder if it was wired up. :-D

  19. Off to try to add a verse to "Joe Stalin's Cadillac...."


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