Friday, August 15, 2014

Looking for work?

Contact this guy. He's getting paid big bucks by his employer to fill in in an entry-level position because they don't have enough entry-level people. (And entry-level is apparently a $50k/yr gig, which is plenty enough to keep body and soul together.)


  1. You suppose they pay relocation costs?

  2. I predect he'll get damn little response , and what he does get will fall off fast when they find out it involves actual no shit work .

  3. This hits me smack dab in the wheelhouse. Thanks Tam, at a minimum I've got a new addition to my blogroll.

  4. If I were 25 years younger (and not the accompanying 25 years dumber), I'd jump on that.


  5. Prollem is, it involves speaking clear English, ability to read English, write a comprehensible declarative and interrogative sentence, add, subtract, long division, multiplication, and willingness actually to work.

    They're just gonna have to keep lookin' for some people like that.

  6. Did my time at sea (79-00) happily land locked now.


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