Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Whose side are you on? Ours? Or ISIS's?"

The ratings, baby.

I wouldn't tell a CNN or NBC reporter his own debit card PIN for fear he'd leak it just to get the scoop.

(I'm letting Foggy Bottom off the hook in this post because everybody with a room-temperature IQ knows they've been a branch office of the Lubyanka since the 1940s.)


  1. *cough*(Desert One)*cough*

  2. Color me cynical, but the whole "we TRIED to rescue him, honest!" smacks of a dishonest ploy to avoid more of the post-Libya criticisms of Barry for being more interested in vacationing than saving American lives.

  3. Our bureaucrats have gone from doing the right thing to protecting there gold mine.

    They might have been like that in the past, but they are becoming more crass as time advances.

    I think all government jobs should be temp positions with required dismissal in 12 to 24 months. even the cops.

  4. It's got to be so frustrating for our hunters. It frustrates me and I'm just a fat old guy with a TV remote. Here you have the worst of the worst self identifying and running around en bloc in northern Iraq and Syria and we are in no position to capitalize on such a target rich environment.

  5. Given that the Boys have pulled off some AmCit rescues even with the current top "leadership" (the two do-gooders in Africa a couple of years back come to mind) I'm less cyincial about a potential rescue attempt than I am that we might have put folks on the ground in Syria. I rather doubt that the Admin would have given permission to do so.
    Absent that permission I'm sure there would be no forgivness for any commander involved. GEN Ham anybody?

  6. +1 Docjim505.

    We're trying, really we are!

    Do we get a trophy too?

    Interesting not to me was, when successful it was "I did this", when unsuccessful it becomes "they did".


  7. Nice of the Commander-in-Chief to throw the SpecOps guys under the bus.
    Because he was starting to look too pro-American to his base...


  8. That reminds me, has anyone heard from Peter Arnett lately?

  9. To Quote Miss Piggy (in Drag and Green Face) "Do or Do Not, There is No Try!"

    And given the next post...would that be better punctuated: "Do, or Do Not; there is no try!"


  10. I've always treated D. State as a hostile 3rd world country.

  11. Unusual that they would mention any units other than SEALs. My ghast is flabbered that they actually mentioned SFO-D. (Reviving the old NCO Club debate, does Navy have better PR,or poorer OpSec?)

    As an aside, I'm glad this post finally showed up, for some reason the title showed in my blog's sidebar hours before you posted. I occasionally get advance warning of a draft on Brigid's blog, too.
    It's all FM...

  12. State was probably told that Spec. Ops were headed to Liberia to protect the Ambassador from the Ebola Virus.

  13. "I wouldn't tell a CNN or NBC reporter his own debit card PIN for fear he'd leak it just to get the scoop."

    No, tell him in the faint hope that he'll learn a lesson.

  14. The reality is that Foggy Bottom is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the House of Saud.

  15. Is that room-temperature IQ in degrees Kelvin?

  16. Tam

    I'm quite disappointed in you!

    Lubyanka? Really? Historical references now? As you'll know both Foggy-bottom and The Circus (SIS) are actually franchise operations of Yasenevo (SVR/CBP). Only the FSB is still at Lubyanka. (although as Robin says, most of SIS are actually sub-contractors employed by Riyadh).

    Please try to keep up ;-p

  17. Drang: "does Navy have better PR,or poorer OpSec?"

    The Navy had (is cursed with) Dick Marcinko. AFAIK, no insider is writing successful books about the other service's secret operation teams. Perhaps that indicates poorer psych screening, or perhaps it's just bad luck that he became a UDT rather than a Ranger.


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