Monday, August 04, 2014


This year the Windy City has been awash in street violence as a result Chicago area urban-oriented stations, Clear Channel’s WGCI(FM), WSRB(FM), Crawford Broadcasting’s WPWX(FM), WVAZ(FM) and Midway Broadcasting’s WVON(AM) are getting together for a Sunday night simulcast, “Put the Guns Down.”
Tune in afterward for WTAM's production of "You First, Pal."


  1. Wishful thinking has become the new doing something useful.

  2. If the media can't figure out the Gaza situation, they can't be expected to figure out the Chicago situation.
    They are fundamentally incapable of seeing the difference between someone who buys a gun on the black market as an income/force multiplier, and someone who wants to purchase a gun legally so as to be assured to go home at night, something we should wish to guarantee to our police forces by granting them not only the right to bear arms during the course of their days, but to use them with minimal review.

  3. Great timing, they've scheduled their simulcast for Sunday night and the violence occurs on Friday and Saturday nights.


  4. Once the gun is determined to be the criminal, any decision made that's based on that determination will be catastrophically wrong.

    They can never, ever get it right.

    We need a Fundamental Transformation of Chicago government, a Redistribution of power. -- Lyle

  5. "Great timing, they've scheduled their simulcast for Sunday night"

    Lakeshore Church Lady Posse is in the House!


  6. I can just imagine all the gangsters slapping their foreheads "I-coulda-had-a-V8" style and then strolling in to the nearest precinct to turn over their illegally held weapons.

  7. I think I know how they can make the gun violence go away. All they need to do is make some real strict laws that say nobody can have a gun and have the media get the word out. Then when the gangsters hear about that they will know their guns are illegal and they will stop shooting each other because they don't want to break the law and hurt people.

  8. Why didn't anybody think of this before???

  9. "urban-oriented"
    Dats rayciss!

  10. Could someone please give me an example of any U.S. politician who ever stopped violence in any meaningful way?

  11. Ed: Eisenhower did a fair bit to end violence in the South Pacific.

  12. Was that right after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.

  13. We'll tweet, and tweet, and tweet until they #PutTheGunsDown and/or #BringOurGirlsHome.

  14. "Why would a Cleveland talk powerhouse do a show.... oh, duh!"
    Sometimes I'm a little too literal-minded.

  15. "Why would a Cleveland talk powerhouse do a show.... oh, duh!"
    Sometimes I'm a little too literal-minded.


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