Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blasphemously happy.

I probably shouldn't admit this, because it will cost me what little conservative street cred I have, but I was smiling when I saw that Santorum (Wahaabist- PA) got stomped. He's a microcosm of all that's wrong with the GOP. Bigger government? Not a problem, as long as that bigger government is used to do important big government things, like give state-mandated marriage counseling to divorcing couples. Tax reform? Economic policy? None of that's as important as getting Intelligent Design on the curriculum...

For all I know, the new guy will shed his "Moderate Democrat" image thirty seconds after getting sworn in, and I know I'll probably find plenty of reasons to loathe him, too, but at least he hasn't told me to shut up and get back in the kitchen.


  1. Although I'm not so sure Casey wouldn't have won if he wasn't Robert Casey's son. I actually think that some of the local tv stations thought he was his father, who "did so much for Pennsylvania". I'm just glad that I go to an out of state college and worked out of state most of the summer so I only got 2 weeks of it. And I agree with you, I do not mourn Santourum's loss.

  2. On balance, I'd rather have Santorum than lose him, but understand your glee. For me, seeing Lincoln Chafee go down in flames was almost worth losing both the house and the senate. He has always been the poster boy for RINOism. The country (and certainly the party) is better off without him.

  3. Tam, that's about the most succinct description of why I have come to dislike the Republicans that has been posted on the interetubes.

  4. Why does reading that stuff that Santorum said make me think he has a lot in common with the same guys who would like to slap a burqa on me? Wow. I've heard the flap over this peripherally, but hadn't paid attention and didn't know what was going on with that. Thanks for the clarification.

    And talk about abandoning one's base - as a person, I find George Bush to be an affable Texas sort of guy, the kind I meet here frequently, but politically, he's been WAY too liberal for my tastes, and I don't get how it is that Democrats have been screaming about him considering he's been so accommodating of their prime directive to grow the government and entitlements.
    Oh, and I agree with Justin - cogently stated.

  5. You have a kitchen ?

  6. Bwahahaha! Welcome to the dark side. Your concreds may have tanked but you're libertarin creds are rising.

  7. Thank gawd, the neo-con christian-facists are being tossed out of the GOP.

    Abe Lincoln wants his gawd damn part back. He's comin' out of the tomb and kickin some arse!

  8. I'm actually calm here in the People's Republic of Taxachusetts: the black Mike Dukakis won, along with the woman Tom Reily AG clone. It will be just peachy limited to 1 gun a month ( which I'll have to budget for :) ) and NH blamed for everything that goes wrong in Boston. I guess that the reason I'm calm is that I can left this hole and not have anything to hold me back!

    Well, the Repubs got a nice kick in the 'nads for their total lack of doing anything that even looked like it was conservative in nature. They have 2 years to pull their collective heads out of their asses to change the party back to where it should be - but do they have the people to do that? Only time will tell...

  9. I've paid little attention to specific local races, but they play campaign ads on the TVs in my gym, so I've been inundated with them. I decided I liked Baron Hill, on the grounds that everything his OPPONENTS said about him struck me as a good reason to vote FOR him. Anyone who opposes video game censorship, and supports gay marriage and stem cell research is a good guy in my book.

  10. Santorum was my senator for a while before I moved. Honestly, I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. He was a very conservative Senator in a not-very conservative state. He was also tactless and had a tendency to put both feet in his mouth at once.

    That being the case, most of what he said makes a lot more sense if you read his entire statement instead of the cherry-picked quotes on his opponent's websites.

  11. From where I sit, it doesn't get any better when reading whole chapters of his book.

  12. Not wishing to be a drag at the celebrations here, so can I check back with y'all in about a year or so? And for the record, I think that bush will now come out of the closet and reveal himself as the democrap that he has always secretly been.

  13. "...reveal himself as the democrap that he has always secretly been."

    That's never been much of a secret. I've always wondered if the progressives would spontaneously combust if a real conservative had the top spot.

  14. "I've always wondered if the progressives would spontaneously combust if a real conservative had the top spot."

    Now THERE'S a lovely, happy thought to get me through the day!

  15. Totally off-topic for this entry, but have you seen this?

  16. OMG, lizard. That's the craziest thing I've ever seen.

    That HAS to be a joke. I can't imagine the pellets would have much travel or stopping power.

    What happens if you only shoot the bird on one side? Will everyone fight over that side of the duck?

  17. I'm assuming it's a joke. I didn't have time to explore the site in depth, but there's probably clues there (like no working order page). But it's a funny joke, and it's one of those "just so crazy it might almost be true" things.

  18. Apparently the Season Shot is real. They've got a booth listed at under the name Season Shot-Gerltom Medical Inc.

  19. I guess it is too good to have an honest politician. You may not like his stand , but you knew where it was .

  20. " I guess it is too good to have an honest politician. You may not like his stand , but you knew where it was."

    I knew where Idi Amin's stance was, too. What the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in China?


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