Sunday, March 25, 2007

Overheard on the porch...

Tam: "Am I easily amused?"

Gunsmith Bob: "Well, you did get awfully worked up over a spork."

Tam: "Yeah, but it was a folding titanium spork."

Gunsmith Bob: "It was still a spork."

Tam: "It's the folding titanium part that's important. Look, a Toyota Camry may be the most boring thing on the planet, but if you had a folding titanium Toyota Camry, that'd be something!"

Gunsmith Bob: "Well, at least it's not a shiny piece of glitter or a feather on a string, but you are pretty easily amused."


  1. Isn't it nice that we have friends who keep us grounded?

  2. I had to go to the Bloomington REI to get that spork. What's the problem??

    (Catching up on the Bloggosphere today. Just saw the phone # for logowear. Thanks!!)


  3. Don't feel bad.

    My husband once entertained himself for a full forty-five minutes with a copper heatsink, a bowl of ice, and our wood stove.

  4. Huh. Since Camries are the most common car here, a high percentage of our VBIEDs are Camries- so every one we see is NOT AT ALL boring.

    But we wish it was.

  5. I'd be impressed by a Camry made from ordinary titanium. They wouldn't have to use the exotic folding kind.


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