Tuesday, March 11, 2008

An odd sense of priorites.

State Representative Sally Kerns of Oklahoma, a strong proponent of making sure that OK remains a leading exporter of comic material to the blogosphere, seems to have a bit of trouble distinguishing the relative dangers posed by Al-Qaeda versus those posed by gay cooties. Charles G. Hill at Dustbury gives her a chalk talk, highlighting some of the bigger differences.


  1. gay cooties...are those like lunar cooties?

  2. Apparently they're gayer.

  3. "...relative dangers posed by Al-Qaeda..."

    Relative indeed. Crappy drivers trump Al-Qaeda or gay cooties by a wide margin. Mind you, I fail to see the difference in taking freedoms away from just homosexuals or every-damn-body, so I'm probably not the best person to comment on it.

  4. With Republicans like this in Congress I could (almost) vote for a Democrat.

  5. She seems to be one of those people that seems to think losing ground-in revulsion to homosexuality instantly turns you gay.

    Hell, maybe she thinks so because, in her case, it WOULD.


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