Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Today In History: We Like Mike.

On this date in 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Just five years later, that and a quarter would buy you a cup of coffee, but not at the Moscow Hard Rock Cafe. I'll say this about the man: He always looked polished and unruffled as he dead-sticked it in with big pieces falling off...


  1. I wonder if I still have that old Spy magazine with the temporary tattoo of Gorby's portwine stain? Ah, simpler times.

  2. "Keep flying as far into the crash as you possibly can."

    (Bob Hoover)

  3. He came to Stan-Fu when I was working there and was treated like royalty, it was funny to see old academics and creeky staff gushing like groupies.

  4. When I learned that he was living in the U. S., I had a little vision of him and Raisa standing in line at the Safeway, that cart with one bad wheel, sorting out their coupons...

    I know it never happened, but it amused me.


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