Friday, April 25, 2008

Overheard In The Office...

T: "Boy, by Friday it gets hard to choke this stuff down. 'Yay! Gruel again!'"

R: "Yes, that's why I so look forward to weekends. But hey, it's quick energy and it's good for your cholesterol..."

T: "I know, I know... And my blood pressure and my bowels and all the other stuff we're supposed to worry about now that we're freakin' old. But still... I'll say this, though: It's good stomach ballast. You don't finish a big bowl of oatmeal and go 'Man, I'm still hungry!'"


  1. Old-fashioned oatmeal (not the (shudder) instant kind) is what I have every morning. Put a handful of raisin in it before cooking for eight minutes...can't beat it!

  2. Lemme get this straight, you people actually eat that stuff?


  3. I have oatmeal most mornings; it is about as exciting as wet sawdust. Grits are better.

  4. I know the stuff is good for you, but I have never been able to eat it. I just stick to coffee.

  5. Grits take work, pork sausage and almost cooked eggs - Old fashioned oatmeal with milk raisins and microwaved for two minutes with crushed nuts (almonds walnuts) for texture with the Grapenuts sprinkled upon. MY breakfast five days a week, on the weekend my wife spoils me and I can get the Grits done right...

  6. Is it the good stuff - Irish oatmeal - where you get the whole (unflattened) oat?

  7. Nah Breda that takes 20min or more.

    I make it with - non alcholic - apple cider. some raisins, little chunks of apple, cream.


  8. I throw in cinnamon for sure, other stuff as available. Banana slices after cooking are good. Best price is the huge double bag carton from Costco. Problem with the little packages of oatmeal is all the sugar added.

  9. I just recently discovered steel cut oats. Much nicer than the rolled kind. And harder to make, unless you have a crock pot. Which makes it a dream. And it has a pleasant, nutty flavor, an actual texture, and you can really taste the goat.. I mean, you can get a lot of flavor from a small amount of additives, which you can changeup daily (raisins, dates, honey, etc).

    The downside? when the Message Comes, you must Heed It's Call with some Urgency.

  10. Chiming in with the rest: oatmeal is one-half about getting good oats and making them correctly (instead of winding up with a bowl of revolutionary grain-based glue), and one-half about what you add to it.

    When I was actually eating the stuff on a regular basis, I just kept a selection of dried fruit and lightweight nuts on hand and tossed 'em in as the mood changed. Those salted and roasted "soy nuts" you see in the stores sometimes are actually really good for this- they give the crunch and salt but are much lighter than real nuts and don't sink down to the bottom of the bowl.

    Alternatively, have some eggs with some spinach or chard scrambled in, and diced tomatoes if you're feeling extravagant. You'll get some fiber in a MUCH tastier package without the gluey starch hit putting you back to sleep for the morning...

  11. "I'll say this, though: It's good stomach ballast. You don't finish a big bowl of oatmeal and go 'Man, I'm still hungry!'"

    No, but it does leave you wishing you could evacuate your stomach.

    I'm not a big fan of oatmeal. If I don't drink a diet shake for breakfast (usually what happens when I am in a hury) I eat cereal, usually Honey Nut Cheerios or Wheaties if I'm going for "healthy."

  12. don't forget to add salt - it say "optional" on the package. It isn't. It will taste a LOT better...

    Then I usually add something taste like honey or even maple syrup. Raisins bananas whatever.

    Middle age sucks.


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