Wednesday, August 13, 2008

When did that happen?

I talked on the phone today with Marko. We went on at length over my lawn and garden stuff, what he was feeding the kids for lunch, my cookery plans, random "how's the family?"-type household stuff... and maybe five minutes apiece on cool topics like WiFi/iPods/laptops and the Russkie invasion of Georgia. I think there may have been two sentences in there peripherally related to firearms, but it was awfully peripheral, like "Writing about guns," or "How I carry on my bicycle," and not "Holy crap, did you see the new BlastOMatic 2000 Tactical Elite model?!?"

When did we get all dull and old?


  1. As I understand it, you two are old friends who lived in the same town awile.... is there anything left to say, that you haven't said to each other already, pertaining to firearms? It is not like there have been any really new and innovative breakthroughs in the shooty world since you all changed locations, is there?

  2. Your bacon-free diet has made you dull and listless. For more vim and pep, just add bacon!

  3. I'm with jovian. You need to increase your intake of chicken fried bacon.

  4. Like I told you during the K-Town 2008 World Tour, I've been shooting more pictures than bullets this year. Gun stuff, like everything else, goes in phases.

    This is why when people talk about how they practice TRB and Zimbabwe drills 20x every month I kind of roll my eyes. Unless one gets paid to do that or lives in a high threat level environment, you're not going to do it every month from here 'til Doomsday.

  5. You're not dull, and you're hardly "old". I would imagine that--being a fan of firearms as you clearly are--after a while everything has been explored, and there is not much more to talk about. Come on, doesn't every hobby get boring unless you're learning something new? That's why I also have guitar parts, an amp ready for cannibalizing, and a ham radio in the basement. Ya gotta do something different every once in a while.

    And the BOM2K Elite is a take-off on a Browning design, just like most every other auto-loader from this century or the last one. It's overpriced, and it malfs with anything but the 19 pound spring that comes with it.

  6. Also: Les, what's a 'Zimbabwe drill'?

    Is that where you throw white farmers off their land and bulldoze poor neighborhoods in response to a threat?

  7. Heh. Or maybe you wreck the economy so that ammo costs ten billion dollars per round so the other guy can't afford to shoot at you.

    Sorry, Mozambique drill.

  8. Speak for yourself!

    I just finished a LOOoooong drive, and I spent at least an hour of it designing steel targets in my head.

    Next week I start hunting down some cheap scrap to use....

    I recall someone telling me that once I shot steel, I'd never be happy with just paper...... Can't recall exactly who said that to me. Some boring chick probably... (g).

  9. Tam, you're not old until after a morning at the range with your best friend you start comparing joint pain.


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