Friday, January 02, 2009

...and I haven't even finished converting over to DVD.

VHS is officially kaputski.

I should have sensed it coming when I tried to give away my VHS copy of Way Of The Gun. Everyone I knew had a copy, except for one or two people... and they didn't have VCRs.


  1. I shot our Christmas Family video in HD this year and just finished burning it to Blu Ray...hurry because DVD is dying in two year

  2. Jeez. Perhaps I should just chuck my TV out the window.

    Still got a VHS and wondering how the hell I'm going to record the weekly motorcycle races on Speed Channel when my last tape wears out.

    WV: coldot

    Perhaps because it's snowing in Seattle again????

  3. DAMMIT! First Beta, now this! Will they ever stop tormenting me?

  4. Oh, you little whippersnappers have been on my naughty list since 78rpm vinyl was taken out of the Broadway Record and Malt shop.

    BTW, my dad bought a Quasar Time Machine back in 1976. He recorded the Bicentennial stuff and the Nixon/Frost interviews on it. I finally got him to accept a DVD player about 6 years ago, but the only DVD he ever watched was Charlton Heston reading the Bible. I think he got halfway through Genesis before he went back to watching Fox News.


  5. Adrian,

    I believe there are DVD recorders that work with DVD-Rs or DVD-RWs.

  6. Wait.

    Does this mean there are no more pre-recorded VHS movies, or no more blank VHS tapes? The former I can do without, but the latter still serves me well...

    (Well, that and my set of U-Matic tape decks...)

  7. Pardon me, darlin', but I bought the bedroom TV with VHS and DVD capability. Tell me what you need $$wise to buy-and-ship, and I am at your disposal. Thxvm...


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