Friday, January 02, 2009

On the road. Again.

I'll be saddling up the Bimmer in a moment and, after a quick stop by CCA to say farewell, I'm headed north.

Catch y'all on the flip side.


  1. Be safe out there, Tam. Lotsa morons on the roads these days...

    WOW. WV: choommy. Maybe I've been reading too much Heinlein...

  2. Have fun and by all means do not stop at any place called "The Waffle House."'s a harsh mistress

  3. Atlharp-- she travels on Tobasco Slim Jims, gunpowder, and 89 octane. She don't need no Scattered, Smothered, And Covered.

    It shall be a yellow blur disappearing behind the visor of her cap. . . .

  4. Should be a heavy box of something waiting for you in Indiana. Let me know when it's in your grubby little mitts...


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