Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome to bizarro world.

In Iran, it's not healthy to speak too frankly. For example, if you mock certain funny-looking crazy old men, they will throw your butt in prison. And something tells me that an Iranian prison is not high on folks' lists of preferred holiday destinations.

Anyhow, apparently a fellow blogger who had the misfortune of blogging on the un-fun side of the sharia curtain had made fun of the wrong guy on his blog. He was imprisoned for his words, and has now died in prison.

What bad timing! If he could have just held on another day, he could have heard The One say that America was ready to move forward in an atmosphere of "mutual respect" with Sayafi's jailers.


  1. How about Iran respect STRATCOM's ability to reduce them to a translucent green parking? Oh, wait, some pansy bought his way into the big chair with the voters' own money. Right.


  2. Old ET from my old office: Do you think we really need F-22's?

    Me: Well, the newest F-15 is ten years older than your car. Why wouldn't we need them?(BTW this is an official USAF propaganda line.)

    Old ET: Well, it would limit our imperialist ambitions.

    Me: Allow me to quote Joe Biden...

  3. Same thing could be said for Nixon's trip to China, and for U.S. policy in places like Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Obama makes plenty of mistakes, trying to work with vile governments is not one of them, unless you are ready to use the troop pull-downs from Iraq to double-down in Iran.

  4. Show of hands: who around here approved Nixon in China?

    Hell, Wilson in Paris did it for me.

    I think we've encountered yet another (or the same) Administration-slipped Havoc Dog.

  5. Gee, one would think Nixon's trip to China was to establish diplomatic and trade relations with a nation.
    It wasn't like we were in a proxy war with them in the ME or had them openly calling for our destruction.

    If O'Bambi moves in that direction you can bet the farm he's the Persians hand him his ass diplomatically.


    wv=baticala Sometimes they just write themselves...

  6. Duh, when you cut a piece of the sentence, proof it to make sure there are no remnants. If you take out "he's the" it makes more sense. above.


  7. "above."

    Ermmm, pot to kettle ...

    ( I make enough cut/paste/spelling errors myself ... which is why I don't engage in spelling 'lames )

  8. yeah the obama guy sure loves our

  9. He was imprisoned for his words, and has now died in prison

    "But I'm a superstitious man. And if some unlucky accident should befall him - If he should get shot in the head by a police officer, or if he should hang himself in his jail cell - or if he's struck by a bolt of lightning, them I'm going to blame some of the people in this room, and that I do not forgive. "

    -Vito Corleone
    Private Sector Diplomat

  10. Anon. said about China: "It wasn't like we were in a proxy war with them ..."
    I've a Chinese Model 59 Rifle (ChiCom M-N 44) from 'Nam that says "Oh yes they were in a proxy war."

  11. Huh....I lived in Iran for about 6 months back in the late 70's. I got out two weeks before the Shah left. The educated "Westernized" people I worked with were very nice people. The people under them, the "Average Joe" I worked with were also decent folk. Just wanted to have a stable job, enough money to buy a few things, and be left alone.
    The people at the bottom were completely different from any other people I've ever met. You could see it in their eyes. The HATRED for all things Western. these people WANTED to be back in the 10th century. Their society and culture made them that way, much the same as kicking and beating a puppy turns it all twisted inside.
    Now they have a leader, who while more educated, is just as sick and twisted inside, and they're very close to having nuclear weapons.
    Be afraid, be VERY afraid...

  12. The leaders may be sick and twisted, but they also know how to stay in power: Play to the lowest common denominator, blame someone else, and crush those who encourage thinking instead of just reacting.

    And yeah, be very afraid. Because once these leaders aquire nuclear weapons, they will have to use them; otherwise, they will be supplanted by those who are "devout" to actually pull the trigger.


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