Thursday, October 01, 2009

Better a thousand Polanskis go free...

...than one LA/NYC auteur have to look in the mirror:

CHILDREN OF THE CORN LEFT frequently blather that it's better that a thousand guilty men go free than that one man be punished unjustly.

What's the reciprocal or commutative formulation for victims? That a thousand victims should suffer rather than a guilty man get his just deserts without a bend-over-backward-to-cater-to-the-criminal-bar trial and endless make-the-lawyers-rich appeals?

I mean: fair's fair.


Meanwhile, rumor has it that Michael Moore will actually be banking the profits from his new movie excoriating capitalism, (for which, oddly enough, admission will be charged.)

Could these lackwits be further disconnected from reality? "No enemies on the left", indeed...

I keep being warned by the federales that The People Who Hate Us Because Of Our Freedoms are going to use a weapon of mass destruction on New York or Los Angeles, and Really Soon Now, and my only thought is "Okay. And...?"


  1. I'm really enamoured of the idea of sticking him in the cell next to Manson after he's incarcerated.

  2. If the victim in the case has stated she wants no part of this trial, I was initially inclined to just leave him to the French.

    However, I did appreciate Jillian Michael's comment from CNN:

    " "The Biggest Loser" trainer Jillian Michaels said "If she's [the victim] OK and feels that they are resolved then who are we to say" referring to the now adult victim, Samantha Geimer.

    Despite that, Michaels said, "If somebody drugged and raped my 13-year-old I'd shoot them."

    So, perhaps she has the right idea. I never liked "Rosemary's Baby" anyway.

  3. And what all the left is keeping quiet is that Polanski was CONVICTED! He took off while on bail pending sentencing.

    He's an escaped felon. If he gets on US soil, it should be to go straight to the pen. I hear Pelican Island has openings.

  4. "And what all the left is keeping quiet is that Polanski was CONVICTED!"

    Was he? I know he pled. But was the conviction entered or do they enter the conviction at sentencing in California?

    Don't know California law. Anyone licensed there that can chime in?

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. what do you expect from the Left? The left is sooooo far out there that the insane asylum are trying to catch them but now the inmates have been running the asylum for so long. Well look , he was convicted. Soooo

  6. If someone dropped a bomb (dirty or otherwise) on NY or LA, it would be like the USA getting a colonic.

    My only complaint would be, "What? All those years of planning and open borders and you couldn't make a third for D.C.? Really? Amateurs!"

  7. I keep being warned by the federales that The People Who Hate Us Because Of Our Freedoms are going to use a weapon of mass destruction on New York or Los Angeles, and Really Soon Now, and my only thought is "Okay. And...?"

    *sigh* It seems every day pushes me closer and closer to not really getting all that upset about it. . .

  8. Can they do DC first please?

    I mean, losing the Smithsonian and all the nice marble would suck, but wiping away that much regulatory dead wood at once would probably actually be a net gain to our productivity as a country.

    As opposed to NYC and LA where - for all their problems - they actually, you know... make stuff.

  9. Bank? No way- he's got accountants to minimoze his tax liability waaaaay below what he'd have to pay if he just cashed those checks.

    Paying your straight taxes is for chumps.

  10. "One great big, festering neon distraction; I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied: Learn to Swim, learn to swim, learn to swim..."

    -Maynard James Keenan

    Maynard may be bugnuts insane, but he had a pretty good point.


  11. Jenny: Is anything actually manufactured in NYC? I know some software comes out of there, but I thought it was mostly lawyers and shuffling money around.

  12. "Okay, And...?"


  13. ehhh -- maybe not DC, mkay? I live just across the river in Northern Virginia...

    The plane flying into the Pentagon was close enough for me.


  14. " I'm really enamoured of the idea of sticking him in the cell next to Manson after he's incarcerated."

    Nah. General Population. He won't live long enough to need a cell. Which just goes to show that there is some good in everyone.

  15. Fair to let 10 guilty men go free, rather than have one innocent man suffer wrongly....Fair to whom?

  16. Oh, and now an Obama appointee ( child Safety Czar, no less ), had good things to say about NAMBLA in the past.

    I'm not sure I want to know why the leftist elite picked this particular hill to die on ...

  17. The Polanski matter becomes even more complicated:

    Oy veh,

    Shootin' Buddy

  18. Easily fixed.

    Judge recuses self ( if not retired already ) and another judge handles sentencing.

    He still admitted to the crime. The only thing this goofball may have screwed up is the sentencing.

  19. Pehlquar: You'd be surprised at how much manufacturing goes on here. Brooklyn is full of tiny machine shops.

  20. And the lie the prosecutor admitted to had nothing to do with the actual case.

    Apparantly, he lied about the case a couple of years ago to a documentary producer, to make himself look like a bigger fish.

    It's as if Patrick Fitzgerald sat down yesterday with Oliver STone with thrilling tales of personally chasing down the Kenyan emabssy bombers single-handedly.


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