Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Other Quote of the Day:

This sounds an awful lot like the hellish exile Roman Polanski spent in Paris. -Ace, on the "sacrifice" Michelle made by jetting to Copenhagen.

I very nearly blew soda out my nose.


  1. torture. Sheer torture. THe gruelling drag of a first class flight surrounded by mewling sycophants while being pampered like a queen is something you just don't expect the affirmitive action lawyer wife of a ward heeler to just- you know, put up with.

  2. I certainly am appreciative of the incedible sacrifices my betters are making on my behalf.

  3. The Fudgie Ghost says:

    Uh, who were the "people" who "said" that going to C-hagen was a "sacrifice"?

    I'd like to know, you know, so I can get them on my list. . you know, for when the revolution comes.

    "Hang on a minute. Honey! get me my list! Let's see, person who cut me off in traffic on 7/15/04, no. . person who made rude comment regarding my NRA window sticker? no. . .oh here it is---you said Michelle Obama's going to Copenhagen was a sacrifice. . right. Now just sign here,. . . and initial here, . .. and here. that's good. Please follow me." Don't laugh at me! It's a sin to crush a person's dream! I think I heard that on Oprah.

    word verification: "dinse"

    "I know what 'monetize the debt' means---I'm not dinse ya know!"

  4. Hey, Fudgie - I'll see your attempt at playing to the fairness instinct, and raise you my clicking of three links to get back to the source. Which apparently was Byron York in his Examiner column:

    It isn't CNN. But then, that isn't a downside.

  5. The Fudgie Ghost says:

    DaveFla: I'm confused. . . I went to your link and it quotes Mrs. Obama as saying: "As much of a sacrifice as people say this is for me. . ."

    So, I'm wondering where she gets the "other people" from? Who (whom?) is she refering to? Who said it was a sacrifice for her to go to Copenhagen? You? I know I didn't.

    I have no idea what you mean by "the fairness instinct". I think her statement is uber-ridiculous. As Mr. President himself is fond of saying--let me be very clear on this: I DO NOT THINK IT WAS A SACRIFICE FOR THE FIRST LADY TO GO TO COPENHAGEN. And anyone who said so doesn't understand the definition of "sacrifice". Hope that's clear. . .now go take on the day!

    word verification: "bricarc"

    Did you hear those birds last night? They kept singing "bricarc!" for hours!

  6. I'm sure the people living in Copenhagen appreciate that remark too. So nice of her to visit such a hellhole :)

  7. Marja,

    If I'd known it would put her out that badly, I'd have done it for her. Purely out of selflessness and love for my fellowman, of course.

  8. Having been there, I can tell you that Copenhagen is a beautiful, beautiful place to visit. Its a bit spendy, but your average Dane seems to be pretty good company, and the majority speak at least a little (if not a lot of) English. Take the harbour tour, the contrast between the 16th-century and modern architecture makes for good photography. The Marble Church (Frederik's Kirke) is spectacular, even to this atheist.


  9. All I remember of Copenhagen is the Tuborg and a brunette.

  10. Fudgie: Not as confused as I. Um... Faulty snark detector? Never mind?


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