Thursday, October 01, 2009

The end of the internet...

Sven Jonsson is still looking for it:

(It's spelled with an "a", Sven, you pervy Scandihoovian, you.)


  1. Wait... Don't all Swedes have blonde bungholes?

    Word Verif: "Blerv" A blogging perv?

  2. Well, honestly I'd like to know where to find that kind of video myself.

    So I can block it permanently at the firewall.

  3. Ya'll are missing a very important piece of the puzzle here....WHY, if someone were looking for such a thing, would they be directed to "View From the Porch"?!? Is there a piece of this website to which we are not privy?

  4. Out of morbid curiousity, I retraced his steps and ended up here.

    Hows that for unintended consequences?


  5. Well, porn is just about the only reason for the procedure that makes any sense. It's not like you want to look better for the DMV camera or something. Odds are that he was ultimately successful in his quest, although I don't know how he ended up on the porch if he was looking for the backdoor.

  6. thought the bleached butthole of the internet was over by that Kos guy?

    WV: Dingenop WHat happens to the dingleberries during the anal bleaching process.

  7. Well, if i wanted to see bleaching porn I certainly would look for it HERE on VFTP.

    I mean I wouldn't look for it!!


  8. OK, I admit - I paused a moment to wonder - what the heck "porch" and "view" meant to this guy.

    I am not sure how to read his length of stay - 0 seconds. Was the topic of guns too immoral, or wasn't gun pron what he needed at that moment?

    I guess I wish the guy well - well away from honest and honorable folk.

  9. I think I'll contact the nearest Swedish consulate & ask (innocently, of course) why so many Swedes are interested in "bleaching" -- without mentioning the body region.

    If I get an answer, I'll share it -- I imagine it would be hilarious.


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